Quest:Weapons of War

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Weapons of War
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Grimwood Lumber Camp
Starts with Chieftain Torbok
[19.3S, 17.3W]
Ends at Grimwood Lumber Camp
Ends with Chieftain Torbok
[19.3S, 17.3W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (60)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grimwood Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I look about me and know that this wood is corrupt and still the life that dwells here pains me. We are fighting a war and each day we gain or lose ground, and yet life still teems here! I have learned hatred, <player name>. I have learned to slaughter and destroy and in this wood, where corruption has so long held sway, I am not at peace.

'We need more weapons. We need more wood to fire the furnaces at Dol Dínen and within Carn Dûm. We need molten metal to forge our blades!

'Tear down this forest, scour the land in the north. Bring me fire, bring me molten metal to make the weapons this war so desperately needs!'


To wage a war, one needs weapons. To sustain a war-machine, one needs the items to drive the war-machine.

Objective 1

Wood can be found in the Grimwood Forest and metal can be found in the Isendeep Mine.

Chieftain Torbok directed you to support the war effort by stripping the mines and forest bare.

Objective 2

Wood can be found in the Grimwood Forest and metal can be found in the Isendeep Mine.

Chieftain Torbok directed you to support the war effort by stripping the mines and forest bare.

Chieftain Torbok: 'Fuel for the fires and metal for the blades. This war will not end until we fill the land. We shall stand atop a heap of corpses as high as the central spire of Carn Dûm, <name>.
'Then shall the Great Eye see that we are his greatest servants! Then shall Mordirith and his servants kneel to the Uruk!'