Quest:Dwarves in the Mine

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Dwarves in the Mine
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Grothum
Starts with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Ends at Grothum
Ends with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 75 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grothum
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'People come and take the mine, and the Snowreap retreat to the village. You come now to take back the mine so we work and give you ore again?

'Too many dwarves. Too many dwarves poking about in the stone, digging the ore for themselves. Kill them, says I. Kill them all.

'You kill them, and we work extra hard and speak good of what you done. Kill them, aye?'


Goblins complain that the mine is overrun by dwarves, and they are not pleased by the intrusion. They bid you to enter the Isendeep to slaughter the dwarf-miners.

Objective 1

The Isendeep mine lay to the west of Grothum. If there are no dwarfs within the mine, make your way to the western entrance and search for them there.

Gasham asked you to enter the mine and slaughter the dwarves so the goblins can return to work.

Gasham: 'You go to the mine and kill dwarves. Come back when done.'

Objective 2

Gasham awaits news of the Mines at Grothum, the goblin-village in the north-east Ettenmoors.

You entered the mine and slaughtered all the dwarves you found. You should return to Gasham with the news.

Gasham: 'You done? Killed them good. Good. No more dwarves means goblins can mine and then give ore to Angmar!
'Kill them all, says I. For the glory of the Great Eye!'