Quest:Iron Belly of Lugazag

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Iron Belly of Lugazag
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Lugazag
Starts with Soldier Kafaaz
[15.4S, 19.8W]
Ends at Lugazag
Ends with Soldier Kafaaz
[15.4S, 19.8W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (40)
Commendations 75 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Lugazag Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We are to build an iron cauldron and fill it with boiling oil to pour upon our enemies. I'd advise against eating the boiled'll taste something awful, slathered in oil, sluggard. Better to eat them raw if you ask me.

'Still, the War-tyrant speaks, and you act. Get the iron we need from either the dwarves stationed throughout the Ettenmoors or from the Isendeep Mine in the northern section of Arador's End bordering the Misty Mountains.

'Stop staring at me all slackjawed and step-to.'


Lugazag belongs to Angmar, and the Free Peoples must be kept from within its walls. The War-tyrant bade his soldiers build a pot to boil oil in with which to douse the enemy as they try to assault the main corridor.

Objective 1

Iron ore can be found on the dwarves who fight for the Free People or from the Isendeep Mine to the north.

Angmar's army is shoring up the defences at Lugazag. They intend to build a massive iron pot to heat oil with which to douse the Free Peoples who attempt to assail the tower.

Objective 2

Iron ore can be found on the dwarves who fight for the Free People or from the Isendeep Mine to the north.

Angmar's army is shoring up the defences at Lugazag. They intend to build a massive iron pot to heat oil with which to douse the Free Peoples who attempt to assail the tower.

Soldier Kaafaz: 'We need more soldiers like you. Willing to do everything they are told without questioning the wisdom in the actions, mindlessly obeying my orders.
'Good work!'