Quest:Raid: Captain-General Harvestgain

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Raid: Captain-General Harvestgain
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Raid
Starts at Gramsfoot
Starts with Soldier Súmtharb
[11.9S, 20.6W]
Ends at Lugazag
Money Reward 21 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (100)
Commendations 250 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Gramsfoot
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<race>! Your brethren failed us. Lugazag, our tower here in the west, has fallen to the hands of a târk! We must make our way to the tower and slaughter the forces standing watch.

'Do this, and I might think more of you than a maggot, ripe for smashing. Fail me, and I will see you posted to the slave pits of Carn Dûm!'


Captain-General Harvestgain is the leader of the Free Peoples at Lugazag.

Objective 1

Captain-General Harvestgain, a târk, leads the forces within Lugazag.

Soldier Súmtharb made it clear that the only objective is to strike down the enemy's leader.

Soldier Súmtharb: 'You best be back to tell me you've followed your orders, sluggard! Else I'll throttle you and put you on a cart bound for the muck beneath Mordirith's throne!
'Get out there and slaughter the Captain-General at Lugazag!'