Quest:Gobbled Goblins

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Gobbled Goblins
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Fellowship
Starts at Grothum
Starts with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Ends at Grothum
Ends with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 250 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grothum
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Swoop down they do. You'll see when they come, flying on armoured wings, swooping into the tunnels, eating up a goblin in one gulp!

'Now you here to help. Snowreap help Angmar, Angmar help the Snowreap. Into the mine, out of the mine flying, walking, stalking, they seek us in the hills and snow. They are the ebb of winter and have fangs as tall as me!

'Kill the drakes, yes? Kill them to help the Snowreap.'


Gasham conveyed a tale of goblin-miners and goblins out and about from the village attacked by drakes stalking down from the mountain. He asked for your assistance in ridding the peaks of the beasts.

Objective 1

Wintersebb Drakes and drakelings can be found throughout Arador's End.

Gasham begged for your help against the Wintersebb Drakes.

Gasham: 'Seek them in the hills here and there to the west. They like the winter land and snow.'

Objective 2

Gasham is in the goblin-village of Grothum.

You hunted the drakes in the mountainous area of Arador's End and culled their number. You should return to Gasham with the news.

Gasham: 'We thanks you! We thanks you great for the help you give.
'No more gobbled up goblins. We fight, but they strong. We give them meat, but they eat us. Too strong the drakes be, but not for Angmar!
'Glory to Angmar!'