Quest:Defend Us

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Defend Us
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Grothum
Starts with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Ends at Grothum
Ends with Gasham
[13.2S, 12.9W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 125 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grothum
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You, there! The Free Peoples are coming, and we are frightened. We need your help. Yes, we are whimpering creatures not fit to carry the banner of Angmar. I grovel at your mighty feet and ask you for help.

'You will give help, for you must!

'Kill the Free Peoples that come here to Grothum. Kill them in our village!'


The Free Peoples have been coming into Grothum village, killing goblins and stealing their food and ale.

Objective 1

  • Defeat the Free Peoples at Grothum (0/6)

Slaughter the Free Peoples as they attempt to destroy the goblins of Grothum.

You have been asked to honour the pledge made by Angmar to assist the goblins against the Free Peoples, an obligation you must fulfil.

Gasham: 'Help us! Help us now!'

Objective 2


Grothum is defended and your obligation to the goblins is complete. Return to Gasham and tell him so. If Gasham was killed return to the War-tyrant and tell him of your victory.

Fighting off the enemy within the bounds of Grothum proved a simple task for one such as you.

Gasham: 'You protect us! You do good! We live! Angmar prevails! 'We thank you and offer you the honour you deserve.'
War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'My scouts told me you helped those miserable wretches at Grothum. You honour the pact we made, but do not think that the goblins are anything more than dirt.
'We should focus our attention on something other than our servants in the future.'