Quest:First Marshals' Marks

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First Marshal's Marks
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Dâr-gazag
Starts with Chieftain Durulkum
[16.6S, 22.6W]
Ends at Dâr-gazag
Ends with Chieftain Durulkum
[16.6S, 22.6W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 125 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Dâr-gazag
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Your weak frame and tender flesh will bruise too easily if you attempt this, sluggard! But if you desire great favour and glory in the name of the Great Eye, then perhaps you will throw your life away on this endeavour.

'Within the towers and keeps of these lands, our enemy takes root from time to time. When they do, First Marshals of their army stalk the halls as attendants and support for their masters.

'Storm their holdings and collect their marks. Bring them to me, and I will be well-favoured indeed. Accept this task and fail, and I will feed your gizzard to the trolls!'


First Marshals stand only behind the Captain-General in rank amongst the enemy army. Chieftain Durulkum wants their marks of rank to further the favour this war-host gains with Angmar, Mordirith, and Lugbúrz.

Objective 1

First Marshals can only be found in towers and keeps claimed by the enemy.

Chieftain Durulkum at Dâr-gazag informed you that the marks borne by the First Marshals of the enemy army gain great favour with Mordirith in Angmar.

Objective 2

First Marshals can only be found in towers and keeps claimed by the enemy.

Chieftain Durulkum at Dâr-gazag informed you that the marks borne by the First Marshals of the enemy army gain great favour with Mordirith in Angmar.

Chieftain Durulkum: 'Scraps! You bring me scraps! What am I to do with these, you pathetic excuse for a <race>? I should gut you where you stand and use your entrails to season the gruel.
'Such failures cannot be tolerated... but they must, only because you are the troops we have for our menial tasks. Begone from my sight.
Chieftain Durulkum mutters. 'Yes, these suit my purpose well.'