Quest:Lashing the Walls

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Lashing the Walls
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Grimwood Lumber Camp
Starts with Chieftain Torbok
[19.3S, 17.3W]
Ends at Grimwood Lumber Camp
Ends with Chieftain Torbok
[19.3S, 17.3W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (60)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grimwood Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Maggot! Your role in this war is clear. You do as the Krahjarn say!

'In the wood are saplings. These saplings and some of the fallen timber might have long roots attached to them. We need roots from the Grimwood to tie the posts together.

'We need this place in perfect repair for when the enemy returns. If you prefer something more martial, you might find the wood crawling with creatures that have roots as well! Get out there!'


Binding the walls at the lumber-yard requires roots to be used as lashings.

Objective 1

Roots can be found upon the downed trees throughout the Grimwood and the saplings that sprout from the ground. You might also find them on the Leafcull-trees.

Chieftain Torbok wants you to get lashings for the walls at the Grimwood Lumber-yard.

Objective 2

Roots can be found upon the downed trees throughout the Grimwood and the saplings that sprout from the ground. You might also find them on the Leafcull-trees.

Chieftain Torbok wants you to get lashings for the walls at the Grimwood Lumber-yard.

Chieftain Torbok: 'These will do, but you took longer than I would have liked, worm! Make your way through these woods faster in the future, or I'll do some culling of my own.'