Quest:Angmar's Soldiers

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Angmar's Soldiers
Level 150
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with First Marshal Sathryth
Starts at Ost Ringdyr
Start Region Ettenmoors
Map Ref [16.3S, 11.8W]
Ends with First Marshal Sathryth}
Ends at Ost Ringdyr
Quest Group Ettenmoors Freep
Quest Chain Ost Ringdyr
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Have you been ignoring me, <race>? I have need of your services.

'Above the rank and file, the soldiers of Angmar act as lesser leaders of the Ongbúrz forces. These beasts are savage and cruel and capable of leading only small numbers before their tempers lead to bloodshed amongst their own kind.

'Find these vile foes and bring me the patches that adorn their armour. I will reward you for ten such patches.'


First Marshal Sathryth at Ost Ringdyr is collecting badges taken from Angmar's soldiers.

Objective 1

Soldiers in the service of Angmar may each carry a seal of their station. Search among the enemy for these badges. First Marshal Sathryth has promised to reward you for the patches you bring her.

Objective 2

Soldiers in the service to Angmar may each carry a seal of their station. Search among the enemy for these badges. First Marshal Sathryth at Ost Ringdyr has promised to reward you for the patches you bring her.

First Marshal Sathryth: 'Your efforts are heralded, <name>. Take this with my thanks. Remember that Quartermaster Ash at Glân Vraig will recognize you for your efforts in the Ettenmoors should you visit him.'