Race of Man Titles

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  • of Bree-land - You grew up in Bree-land, once part of the North Kingdom of Arnor, once ruled by Elendil the Tall as High King of Middle-earth, and later by his elder son Isildur. Now it is but a simple, rustic land, and the North Kingdom is no more.
  • of Dale - You come from the Dale-lands in the northeast of Middle-earth, beneath the Lonely Mountain, where Bard the Bowman slew the dragon Smaug and fought in the Battle of Five Armies.
  • of Gondor - You hail from the land of Gondor, the South Kingdom once ruled conjointly by the sons of Elendil, Isildur and Anárion, ever-watchful against the looming threat of Mordor.
  • of Harad - You are from the Great Southern Empire, known in the north as Harad but called Shagâna by its own people. It is a land sworn to serve Sauron. Though many of its folk defy his rule.
  • of Rhûn - Your home lies in the eastern lands of Rhûn, a land of nomadic clans and warring kingdoms long held in conflict between the servants of Sauron and brave folk who dare to resist him.
  • of Rohan - You are one of the Horse-lords of the Riddermark, the realm granted to Eorl the Young by Cirion, Steward of Gondor, currently ruled by Théoden, Son of Thengel.
  • of Umbar - You hail from Umbar, land of the Corsairs, whose ships spread fear up and down Middle-earth's shores. Though its current rulers worship Sauron, its people yearn for freedom.