Moria Quests
"This will be my inn; a dream I have had for years, an inn that would attract the Big Folk and hobbits alike." —Adso Haybank Under Construction! This article contains information which is currently being worked on. Please coordinate updates with: Stargazer (Contribs • User Talk) |
- This page shows the dependencies between all quests within the Mines of Moria.
- For quests which have "Moria" as their "quest group", see Category:Moria Quests.
- For just a listing of quests which have a starting location geographically within Moria, see Category:Mines of Moria Quests.
The Great Delving
Durin's Threshold and Shemeldurj (51)
- [51] Welcome to Moria
- [51] Bedbugs
- [51] Honouring the Fallen
- [51] Setting Up Shop
- [51] An Ominous Tunnel
- [51] A Deep Place
- [51] A Deep Thought
- [51] In Pursuit - Examine Dwarf-axe laying on ground east of Túbi Thickfist
- [51] A Watchful Glance - Vector to Snaga-maudhûl
Snaga-maudhûl (51)
- [51] Sealing the Gate
- [51] Rumours in the Tunnels
- [51] Stealing Back
- [51] Ever Forward - Vector to Lamâb-dûm
Lamâb-dûm (51)
- [51] An Ancient Hope
- [51] Scent of the Hive
- [51] The Noise of the Gredbyg
- [51] The Hive-Queen
- [51] To the Dolven-view - Vector to the Dolven-view
The Palace of Náin (51)
- [51] New Growth - Examine Unusual Fungus found on same level of palace as Lamâb-dûm
- [51] Lighting the Way - Examine Moria-mirror found on upper level of palace
The Dolven-view (51)
- [51] Claws of the Deep
- [51] Clear Tunnels
- [51] The Road is Ours
- [51] Scouting Ahead - Vector to Gazatmur
- Legendary Item Title Quests:
- [54] The Training Hall - Repeatable
- [54] The Mithril Slaves - Repeatable
- [57] The Ghost-forge - Repeatable
- [57] The Morroval-outcasts - Repeatable
- [60] The Spider-nest - Repeatable
- [60] The Library of Steel - Repeatable
Gazatmur (51)
- [51] Servant of the White Hand - Examine Mark of the White Hand dropped by goblins at Gazatmur
- [51] Enemies Forever
- [51] And Stay Out!
- [51] Goblin Overseers
- [51] Shaky Foundations
- [51] A Long Echo
- [51] Opening the Waterways
- [51] Securing the Library
- [51] The Cooling Chamber
- [52] To the Deep Descent - Vector to the Silvertine Lodes
Katûb-zahar (51)
- [51] Riddles in the Library - Examine Falgeirr's Papers found on ground at entrance
The Silvertine Lodes
The Deep Descent & Gamil Filik (52)
- [52] Enemies of the Deep Descent
- [52] Lawlessness Among Goblins
- [52] Armour of the Deeps
- [52] Dead-fall
- [52] Following the Winding Road - Vector to Menem-berej
After returning from the Old Silvertine City
- [52] To the Chamber of the Crossroads - Vector to Durin's Way
- [52] Lost Dwarf
- [52] In Over His Head
- [52] The Fractured Crystal -After picking up a
Crystal Fragment dropped by goblins at Gamil Filik
The Forgotten Treasury
- [56] A Relic of Ages Past Fellowship
- [56] Know Thine Enemy Fellowship
- [56] Dark Defilers Fellowship
Hafberg (after Know Thine Enemy):
- [56] Skum and Urauth Fellowship
- [56] Relics and Coins Fellowship
Garthar (after Know Thine Enemy):
- [56] Depleted Crystals Fellowship
Menem-berej (52)
- [52] Reflections of Rails -- Landscape. Starts from Moria-Mirror at [11.3S, 112.5W]
- [52] Lighting the Pit
- [52] Sori's Exploration - Vector to Southern Tunnels
Southern Tunnels (52)
- [52] Luminous Goop
- [52] Ore Samples II: The Mine-Shaft
- [52] Ore Samples III: The Tunnel
- [52] One Absent Miner
- [52] Following Öndótt - Vector to the Old Silvertine City
The Old Silvertine City (52)
- [52] Ore Samples IV: The Old Silvertine City
- [52] The Deep Descent Awaits -- Travel Goat back to the Deep Descent
Riddles in the Dark
- [52] A Riddle in an Old City -- Examine the Riddle at the base of the stairs north of Öndótt
- [52] Riddles in the Stone
Durin's Way
The Chamber of the Crossroads
- [53] Unexpected Treasure - Examine Ornate Chest-piece on the ground just north of the Dwarf-lords' Gate
- [53] Heralds of Corruption
- [53] Stronghold of the Goblins
- [51] The Winding Way
- [53] Scraps of Shadow
- [53] Shattered
- [57] Reassembling the Statue -- Available after you have found all statue-parts scattered throughout Moria
Likmund's Tasks
- [52] Likmund's Companions
- [52] Drums of War
- [53] Lost Supplies
- [53] A Bitter Enemy
- [53] Message to Zirakzigil -- Vector to The Door to the Clouds
Instance Quests
For Haldir's questline for the Lothlórien instance cluster, see Lothlórien Quests.
- [60] Nalâ-dûm: An Abundance of Grime -- Small Fellowship
- [60] Nalâ-dûm: Hard-plated Armour -- Small Fellowship
- [60] Nalâ-dûm: Menace of Nalâ-dûm -- Small Fellowship
- [60] Lumul-nar: Smothering the Sun -- Small Fellowship
- [60] Lumul-nar: The Bane of Illumination -- Small Fellowship
- [60] Lumul-nar: The Lesser Rings -- Small Fellowship
Challenge Quests:
The following quests are automatically bestowed when entering the instances.
- [60] Challenge: Caeryg -- Repeatable
- [60] Challenge: Ergoth (Daily) -- Repeatable
The Door to the Clouds
- [53] Plenty to Go Around
- [53] Send Them Back Home
- [53] Untold Legends
- [53] After the Fire
- [53] Emissaries of the White Hand
- [53] Unseen -- Vector to Tharâkh Bazân
The Tharâkh Bazân camp
- [53] A Light in the Garden -- Starts from Moria-Mirror at [3.6S, 109.1W]
- [53] Helgi Goblinbane's Arm -- Starts from Helgi's Arm at [3.1S, 107.8W]
- [53] Blackest Night
- [53] A Rare Root
- [53] Lest We Forget
- [53] Preserving Ancient Tales - Vector to Jazârgund
Little Revolution
- [53] Little Revolution
- [54] Hope From the East
- [55] Badgers as Shepherds
- [53] Into the Fanged Pit -- Vector to The Fanged Pit
After returning from the Fanged Pit
- [53] Dark Victory -- Vector to the Twenty-first Hall
Joy in the Time of Sorrow
- [53] Crashing Down
- [53] Remembering the Old Songs
The Fanged Pit
- [53] Visage of Terror
- Gúri: [53] Birds of Prey
- Bési: [53] Fungus Takes Flight
- Hadi: [53] Workshop of the Winged
- [53] Vanity
- [54] Bogrian's Curiosity
- [54] Death to the Maidens -- Vector back to Jazârgund
Crafting Instance Quests
Both of these instances can be found at [5.5S, 108.9W]
- [53] Mekeb-faham: Book End -- Repeatable
- [53] Mekeb-faham: The Comfort of Words -- Repeatable
- [53] Mekeb-faham: When Scholars Attack -- Repeatable
- [57] Mekeb-farak: Closing the Books -- Repeatable
- [57] Mekeb-farak: A Good Book -- Repeatable
- [57] Mekeb-farak: Read and Ransack -- Repeatable
The Water-works
- [54] Mirror in the Mire -- Starts from Moria-Mirror at [15.1S, 114.8W]
- [54] Caught in Clear Webs -- Started by examining a Brooch of Lorien on the ground in the Lost Palace. [14.9S, 115.3W]
- [54] Torso of Helgi Goblinbane -- Starts from Statue Torso-piece at [16.8S, 112.0W]
Western Insects
All Glory
- [54] Dark and Shallow Water
- [54] Toad-slime
- [54] Fighting Slime with Slime
Fighting the Fungus
- [54] Some Kind of Safety
- [54] Lying in Wait -- Vector to Hulwul-nefekh
- [54] Out of the Darkness
- [54] Fighting the Fungus
- [54] Mushroom Picking
- [54] Missing Arrows
- [54] Drawn to the Water
Glass Spiders
- [54] Clearly Problematic
- [54] Spider-leg Prisms
- [54] Darkened by Mildew
Churning Wheel
- [54] Churning Froth
- [54] Rusted Works
- [54] Fungus and Acid
- [54] Foreman of the Great Wheel -- Vector to Chamber of Wheels
Entering the Vile Maw
- [54] Gumming Up the Works
- [54] A Second Go of It
- [54] A New Gear
- [54] Two Problems, One Tool
- [54] Off to the Channel -- Vector to Harâzgund
- [54] Readings from the Basin
- [54] Reporting the Findings
- [60] A Final Foray -- Raid
- [54] An Uneven Flow -- Vector back to The Twenty-first Hall
- [55] Reflecting on the Past -- Starts from Moria-Mirror at [7.7S, 105.3W]
The Twenty-first Hall
- [55] Riddles in the Tomb -- Starts from Riddle found at [5.9S, 105.5W]
- [54] Águti's Advice -- Vector to The Water-works
A Faint Gleam
- [55] A Gleam in the Gloom
- [55] Faint But Fierce
- [59] Something Wicked
- [56] To the Orc-watch -- Vector to the Orc-watch, available in the end of Mögr's quest chain below
Mögr's and Dómárr's Quests
These are the prerequisites to unlock the deed Discovering Adventures in Zelem-melek. The chain starts from Mögr in The Twenty-first Hall, after finishing [54] Águti's Advice.
- [55] A Well-earned Celebration
- [55] A Wide, Empty Hall
- [55] The Footsteps of Foes
- [55] A Chill Draft
- [55] Questions of Stability
- [55] Fixing a Squeaky Wheel
- [55] The Great Hall of Durin
At this point you encounter Dómárr and can begin to use the Goat to the Great Hall of Durin from the Twenty-first Hall. - [55] An Accurate Account
- [55] Backtracking
- [55] Exploring the Wide Halls
At this point you are granted the Discovering Adventures in Zelem-melek deed.
Discovering Adventures in Zelem-melek
As you find each location mentioned in the deed, you are granted a set of remote quests. One of them, often a slayer quest, is the one that satisfies the requirements of the deed.
- [55] Poisoners and Masters
- [55] Many Worrisome Corpses
- [55] Poison-craft
- [55] Helgi Goblinbane's Helm -- Starts from Statue Head at [8.1S, 106.9W] (Not part of Discovering Adventures in Zelem-melek)
- [55] A Stinging Blow
- [55] Dark Power Rising
- [55] Instruments of the Enemy
- [55] Purging the White Hand
- [55] Clearing Mudmul-charâf
- [55] No Home for Orcs
- [55] Piles of Old Bones
- [55] Masks of Gaping Maws
- Once you help the quest-giver you can use the Goat to the Hall of Flowing Water in the Twenty-first Hall.
- [55] Dwarf-Dinner!
- [55] The Banner of Uzbad-bakân
- [55] Coal for the Fires
- [55] Armoury of Zelem-melek
- [55] Allies of Mordor -- (Not part of Discovering Adventures in Zelem-melek)
Instance Quests
War Against Lothórien
This chain starts from Narfi in The Twenty-first Hall, and covers Fil Gashan, Forges of Khazad-dûm and The Grand Stair.
- [60] Enemies of Lothlórien -- Fellowship
- Forges of Khazad-dûm
- [59] Claiming the Past -- Fellowship
- [59] Remnants of the Ruins -- Fellowship
- [58] The Black Uruk of Moria
- [59] The Black Uruk of the Forge -- Fellowship
- [59] Tools from the Past -- Fellowship
- [59] Claiming the Past -- Fellowship
- General's Command
- [60] Thwarting the Moria Orcs -- Fellowship
- [60] Defeat the Lieutenants -- Fellowship
- [60] Disabling Alarms -- Fellowship
- [60] Gathering Plans -- Fellowship
- [60] Off with the Right Hand -- Fellowship
- [60] Thwarting the Moria Orcs -- Fellowship
- The Grand Stair
- [58] Steps of the Grand Stair -- Fellowship
- [58] Mazog's Minions -- Fellowship
- The Masters of Moria
- [58] The Fanatic and his Devoted -- Fellowship
- [58] War Host Assembled -- Fellowship
- The Masters of Moria
- [58] The Deep Drums -- Fellowship
- Drummers of the Deep
- [58] Beast No More -- Fellowship
- [58] Troll-handlers -- Fellowship
- Drummers of the Deep
- [58] The Fire-dwellers -- Fellowship
- The Host of Flame
- [58] Master of Flame -- Fellowship
- [58] The Flaming Depths -- Fellowship
- The Host of Flame
- [58] The Warg-riders -- Fellowship
- Riders of the North
- [58] Stalkers and Trainers of the Highpeak -- Fellowship
- [58] The Rider and his Mount -- Fellowship
- Riders of the North
- [58] Thwarting the White Hand -- Fellowship
- Traitors in the Midst
- [58] Forces of the South -- Fellowship
- [58] Traitors in the Midst -- Fellowship
- Traitors in the Midst
- [58] Mazog's Minions -- Fellowship
- [58] Steps of the Grand Stair -- Fellowship
- Forges of Khazad-dûm
Nightmares of the Deep
This chain starts from Veúlfur in The Twenty-first Hall, and covers Dark Delvings, Sixteenth Hall and Skûmfil.
- [60] Nightmares in the Abyss -- Fellowship
- Dark Delvings
- [60] Into the Savage Dark -- Fellowship
- [60] A Fell Glow -- Fellowship
- [60] Fractured and Shattered -- Fellowship
- [60] Master of the Dark -- Fellowship
- [60] The Things in the Dark -- Fellowship
- [60] Into the Savage Dark -- Fellowship
- Peasant Halls
- [60] Plague Wind -- Fellowship
- [60] Infected Samples -- Fellowship
- [60] Leaders of the Hosts -- Fellowship
- [60] The Fungus Among Us -- Fellowship
- [60] The Secret Beneath -- Fellowship
- [60] The Vile Infected -- Fellowship
- [60] Plague Wind -- Fellowship
- Skûmfil
- [60] Eaters of the Dead
- [60] Infected Kergrim-samples -- Fellowship
- [60] Kergrim-leaders -- Fellowship
- [60] Ridding Potential Disease -- Fellowship
- [60] Life From the Dead
- [60] A Beneficial Poison -- Fellowship
- [60] Hive Mind -- Fellowship
- [60] Stomach of Iron -- Fellowship
- [60] Eaters of the Dead
- Dark Delvings
A random set of the following quests are available to pick up each day. Once picked up, the quests can be progressed and completed at any time, even if a certain quest is not offered on the same day. These quests takes place in the six level 60 instances from the Moria-cluster. Eilíefr gives quests to defeat and loot bosses, while Geirr's quests requires you to defeat a certain number of mobs in the instance.
- [60] Dark Delvings - Speak No Evil -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Fil Gashan - The General's Ring -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Forges of Khazad-dûm - Kranklûk's Brand -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Sixteenth Hall -- The Lost One's Flesh -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Skûmfil - The Grodbog-queen's Chitin -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Skûmfil - The Kergrim-king's Tooth -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] The Grand Stair - Master's Mark -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] The Grand Stair - Igash's Lash -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Dark Delvings -- Illuminate the Dark -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Fil Gashan - Weaken the War Host -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Forges of Khazad-dûm -- Freeing the Forge -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Sixteenth Hall -- Purge the Halls -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] Skûmfil -- Clearing Corpses -- Fellowship, repeatable
- [60] The Grand Stair -- Sweeping the Stairs -- Fellowship, repeatable
Crafting Instance Quests
Both of these instances can be found at [7.2S, 104.7W]
- [53] Bult-kâr: Cut at the Root -- Repeatable
- [53] Bult-kâr: Out on a Limb -- Repeatable
- [53] Bult-kâr: Sharp Company -- Repeatable
- [57] Sejer-tharâkh: A Tale of Timber -- Repeatable
- [57] Sejer-tharâkh: Awls Well that Ends Well -- Repeatable
- [57] Sejer-tharâkh: Hack and Cleave -- Repeatable
- [55] A Treacherous Crevasse -- Quest bestowed when using a glowing mineral deposit in the crevasse between [8.41S, 109.76W] ⇔ [11.44S, 109.16W]
The Redhorn Lodes
Redhorn Lodes (56)
- [56] Reflector of the Redhorn - Landscape. Starts from Moria-mirror at [12.5S, 103.2W]
- [56] Helgi Goblinbane's Shoulder and Arm - Landscape. Starts from "Statue-shoulder and Arm" at [11.9S, 104.0W]
The Orc-watch (56)
- [56] Clearing the Road
- [56] Getting Out of Hand
- [56] Ore Inspection
- [56] A Previous Expedition
- [56] The Scout's Report - Landscape
- [56] Anarchy Reigns
- [56] Assessing the Forges
- [56] Destroying the Operation - Landscape
- [56] Forging for the Enemy - Landscape
- [56] The Superiority of the White Hand
- [56] Search for the Missing - Vector to Knakk's camp (completion grants access to Goat to Knakk's Camp at the Orc-watch)
- [56] Assessing the Forges
Knakk's Camp (56)
- [56] Corrupted Spiders - Prerequisite: Search for the Missing
- [56] Study of the Problem - Landscape
- [56] Growing Corruption
- [56] Cultivator of Corruption
- [56] Worth Dying For
- [56] Next of Kin - Vector to Auti's camp (completion grants access to Goat to Auti's Camp at the Orc-watch)
Auti's Camp (56)
- [56] In His Memory - Prerequisite: Next of Kin
- [56] Grodbog Infestation
- [56] Gredbyg at the Doors
- [56] Infernal Chittering - Landscape
- [56] Hidden Quarters
- [56] Gredbyg in Nud-heden - Landscape
- [56] Grodbog-nurses - Landscape
- [56] The Queen's Chamber - Landscape
- [56] Incubated by the Flaming Deeps - Vector to the Flaming Deeps
Instance Quests
For quests from the War Against Lothórien questline and repeatable quests from Eilíefr and Geirr, see Zelem-melek Quests.
- [58] A Desiccated Husk: The Fanatic's Tale -- Starts from Desiccated Husk which drops from Igash
The Gate of Ruin
The following quest requires you to help other players with their class-quest.
- [58] The Path of the Trapper: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
Challenge Quests
The following quest is automatically bestowed when entering the instance.
- [60] Challenge: Igash (Daily) -- Repeatable
Crafting Instance Quests
Both of these instances can be found at [13.1S, 105.7W]
- [57] Fulz-zahar: Protecting the Mine -- Repeatable
- [57] Fulz-zahar: A Miner's Companion -- Repeatable
- [57] Fulz-zahar: Break Through -- Repeatable
- [53] Tumun-ghâr: Taking Back What is Ours -- Repeatable
- [53] Tumun-ghâr: Incursion in the Quarry -- Repeatable
- [53] Tumun-ghâr: Things Left Behind -- Repeatable
The Flaming Deeps
The Flaming Deeps (57)
- [57] Reflection of Flame - Landscape. Starts from Moria-mirror at [15.0S, 107.8W]
- [57] Sole Survivors - Vector to Hadâd-mezer
- [57] Bearer of Bad News - Vector to Anazârmekhem
- [57] Deepest Depths - Vector to Ânghumu-ru
- [57] A Faint Glimmer of Hope - Vector to Hurmulkezer (completion grants access to Goat to Durin's Court at Anazârmekhem)
- [57] Lighting the Way
- [57] Gathering at the Gate - Vector to the Crossroads of Ash camp (completion grants access to Goat to Crossroads of Ash at Anazârmekhem)
- [57] Dissent in the Ranks
- [57] Impure Knowledge
- [57] Cease to Resist
- [57] Leaving the Deeps - Vector to Nud-melek (completion grants access to Goat to Nud-melek at the Crossroads of Ash camp)
Hadâd-mezer (57)
- [57] Shadow Over Hope - Landscape
Anazârmekhem (57)
- [57] Grimly Lethal - started by either NPC or Landscape
- [57] A Cunning Plan's Components - started by either NPC or Landscape
- [57] Crafting: Trace Metals - Repeatable; started by either NPC or Landscape
- [57] Riddles in the Flames - Starts from Riddle
- [57] Riddles in the Walls - at Bhraf-ru
Ânghumu-ru (57)
- [57] Orcs of Ânghumu-ru - Landscape
- [57] Forging Ahead - Landscape
- [57] Splinter the Ranks - Landscape
Hurmulkezer (57)
- [57] The Culling - Landscape
- [57] Breaking Their Spirit - Landscape
- [57] Helgi Goblinbane's Shoulder - Landscape
The Crossroads of Ash camp (57)
- [57] A Shortage of Iron
- [57] Preserving the Bridges
- [57] There is our Problem
- [57] Sowing the Seeds - Landscape
Instance Quests
For quests from the War Against Lothórien questline and repeatable quests from Eilíefr and Geirr, see Zelem-melek Quests.
For Haldir's questline for the Lothlórien instance cluster, see Lothlórien Quests.
- [60] Afraid of the Dark? -- Starts from Message from Mazog which drops from General Talug
- [60] The Illusion of Leadership -- Starts from Charred Note which drops from Kranklûk
The Crossroads of Ash
Lending a Hand
The following quests requires you to help other players with their class-quest.
- [58] The Path of the Ancient Master: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
- [58] The Path of the Healing Hands: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
The following quests are available just south of the camp, outside the entrance to the instance.
Challenge quests
The following quests are automatically bestowed when entering the instances.
- [60] Challenge: General Talug (Daily) -- Repeatable
- [60] Challenge: Kranklûk (Daily) -- Repeatable
- [60] Challenge: Thaguzg (Daily) -- Repeatable
Nud-melek (58)
- [58] The Majesty of the Stone Trees
- [58] Danger upon Khadar-zarâm
- [58] A Tribute of Light
- [58] An Unwholesome Odour
- [58] The Restless Orcs of the Crack's Edge
- [58] Camping the Rift
- [58] Crossing by Treacherous Paths
- [58] Enemies of the Crossroads
- [58] One Last Dash
- [58] Greet the Sky
- [58] Those Who Came Before
- [58] Those Who Never Came Out
- [58] Friends at the Gate -- Vector to Mekhem-bizru
Khadar-zarâm (58)
- [58] A Rain of Spears - Landscape
- [58] A Tremor Underfoot... - Landscape
- [58] Unguarded Treasure - Landscape
Second Hall (58)
- [58] A Sickly Glow
- [58] Quest:A Sickly Glow U9 Landscape
- [58] Enemies of the Second Hall - Landscape
The Crack's Edge (58)
- [58] An Eerie Brilliance U9 - Landscape
- [58] An Eerie Brilliance
- [58] Orc-barriers - Landscape
Sudulthurkh (58)
- [58] Reflections of Stone Trees - Landscape
- [58] Leaving the Mines - Landscape
Balin's Camp (58)
- [58] Balin's Pride - Landscape
- [58] Puzzle of the Carvings - Landscape
Instance Quests
For quests from the Nightmares of the Deep questline and repeatable quests from Eilíefr and Geirr, see Zelem-melek Quests.
Sixteenth Hall Camp
The following quests require you to help other players with their class-quest.
- [58] A Rune of Restoration: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
- [58] The Path of the Mischief Maker: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
Challenge Quests
The following quest is automatically bestowed when entering the instance.
- [60] Challenge: The Lost One (Daily) -- Repeatable
The Foundations of Stone
Foundations of Stone
- [59] A Glimmer of Hope -- Starts from Moria-mirror at [12.0S, 101.5W]
The Shadowed Refuge
- [59] Spider-infestation
- [59] Queen in the Fungus
The Fungus Among Us
- [59] Infestation
- [59] A Freshwater Cure
- [59] Kill it with Fire
- [59] The Fungus Among Us
Lurking in the Shadows
- [59] Lurking in the Shadows
- [59] An Unacceptable Diet
- [59] Revenge from the Grave
Rune Rocks
- [59] Words of Light
- [59] Warding Runes
Instance Quests
For quests from the Nightmares of the Deep questline and repeatable quests from Eilíefr and Geirr, see Zelem-melek Quests.
For Haldir's questline for the Lothlórien instance cluster, see Lothlórien Quests.
Dâr Narbugud Camp
Dâr Narbugud
- [60] Dâr Narbugud: The Bewildering Inscription -- Starts from Corrupted Hilt that drops from mobs inside the instance
- [60] The Stinking Ward -- Starts from an item that drops from Brúmbereth or Grimreaver
Lending a Hand
The following quests require you to help other players with their class-quest.
Dark Delvings Camp
- [58] The Defender of the Free: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
- [58] The Path of the Masterful Fist: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
Skûmfil Camp
- [58] The Path of the Martial Champion: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
- [58] The Watcher of Resolve: Lending a Hand -- Repeatable
Challenge Quests
The following quests are automatically bestowed when entering the instances.
- [60] Challenge: Gurvand (Daily) -- Repeatable
- [60] Challenge: Hwandrin (Daily) -- Repeatable