Quest:Faint But Fierce

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Faint But Fierce
Level 55
Type Solo
Starts with Darri
Starts at Twenty-first Hall
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [8.5S, 112.0W]
Quest Group Moria
Quest Chain A Faint Gleam
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'According to your own documentation, the mirrors seem to be pointed at one another from the four corners of the Twenty-first Hall. The only one that doesn't match the others is the third.

'I wonder...would you be so good as to return to the third mirror, and give it a little push? I would like to see what happens if the angles align.'


Darri wants you to find out if his theory is correct by going back to the third mirror and swinging its angle to match the others.

Objective 1

  • Swivel the third mirror so it matches the others

The third mirror is in the Twenty-first Hall in Zelem-melek.

You should angle the third mirror to match the angles of its brethren.

Objective 2

Darri can be found at the Dolven-view in the Great Delving of Moria.

You should return to Darri and tell him what happened when you swivelled the mirror.

Darri: 'Aha! Light! I knew it; the mirrors are an ancient light-system of Moria. This technology is brilliant, but it has been long forgotten. What an incredible discovery!'