Quest:Study of the Problem

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Study of the Problem
Level 56
Type Solo
Starts with Globsnaga Spider
Starts at Redhorn Lodes
Ends with Knakk
Ends at Knakk's Camp
End Region Redhorn Lodes
Map Ref [11.0S, 103.7W]
Quest Group Moria: Redhorn Lodes
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The fungal spiders are spreading spores from their mutations. The fungus growing on them seems to have twisted these spiders into something quite different. It would be good to collect a few samples and bring them back to Knakk for further study.


The eastern side of the Redhorn Lodes is infested with some kind of fungus, and the spiders are playing a role in it. The spread is occurring at an alarming rate...

Objective 1

  • Collect Fungus Samples

The fungal spiders are found in the northeast corner and eastern side of the Redhorn Lodes.

Objective 2

The fungal spiders are found in the northeast corner and eastern side of the Redhorn Lodes.

Objective 3

Knakk is camped on the elevated walkway in the northeast corner of Redhorn Lodes.

Knakk will be happy to study the samples you've collected of the fungus. He will have to pull himself away from the locket puzzle to analyze it.

Knakk: 'I've made progress on this locket's puzzle, but I need to put it down and could use a distraction.
'Woh, this sample you brought me is unlike anything I've seen before. It's an aggressively growing fungus. I swear, this stuff could probably grow in or on anything. After seeing what this can do, I'm worried about my health by handling it, and will dispose of what you brought me. Be careful going back there, and spending much time around this stuff...'