Quest:Sori's Exploration

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Sori's Exploration
Level 52
Type Solo
Starts with Thalfar
Starts at Silvertine Lodes
Start Region Silvertine Lodes
Map Ref [10.6S, 113.3W]
Ends with Sori
Ends at Silvertine Lodes
End Region Silvertine Lodes
Map Ref [11.9S, 113.0W]
Quest Group Moria: Silvertine Lodes
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You have helped us out a fair amount here at Menem-berej, <name>. While you were exploring, an explorer named Sori passed through on his way south, and he asked for the assistance of anyone I could spare. I told him I would apply to you upon your return.

'Will you seek out Sori as you head southwards?'


Sori, an explorer from the Deep Descent, apparently passed through the Menem-berej camp on his way south.

Objective 1

  • Find Sori in the southern tunnels

Sori travelled south from Menem-berej, and should be found somewhere in the tunnel leading south through the Silvertine Lodes.

You should find Sori and offer him your assistance.

Thalfar: 'Sori said he was heading south through the Silvertine Lodes.'
Sori: 'Ah, you must be the famous <name> of whom I have heard so much praise spoken. They are singing of your valour from Hollin to the roots of the Silvertine! Stay a moment, and I am sure we can do some good work here.'