Quest:Off to the Channel

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Off to the Channel
Level 54
Type Solo
Starts with Indrith
Starts at Chamber of Wheels
Start Region The Water-works
Map Ref [17.9S, 115.9W]
Ends with Kaldi
Ends at Harâzgund
End Region The Water-works
Map Ref [17.6S, 116.9W]
Quest Group Moria: The Water-works
Quest Chain Entering the Vile Maw
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I sent Kaldi off to the Vile Maw to open the doors of the channel in preparation for the work to be done there. I have not heard back from him, but I thought that maybe he was just dawdling. Now, I wonder.

'Please, <name>, make your way to the Vile Maw, west and a little north of here, and see if Kaldi is still there. I would feel terrible if anything happened to him.

'If he needs help, give it to him!'


The Waterworks is a site of importance to the dwarves who wish to remain in Moria. Once such dwarf, Foreman Indrith, has made it a mission to repair the channel there.

Objective 1

Kaldi should be in the Vile Maw, west and a little north of the Great Wheel.

Foreman Indrith fears that he may have sent his worker and friend Kaldi to his death. He has sent you to a camp where he believes Kaldi should be.

Indrith: 'I send Kaldi west to start preparations in the Vile maw. I had thought it a good idea, but now I am not so certain. Please go and check if Kaldi is still alive and well.
Kaldi: 'It is good to know that Indrith is worried about me, though he need not be. Kaldi is no fool, my friend.'