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About Me

I've been playing LotRO since 2011, but since 2017 it has been more sporadically on and off. Used to play on Snowbourn, but after its closure (in the big Server Migration of 2016) divided my characters between Laurelin and Evernight. Started some characters on Ithil, but when that closed as well they were moved to Anor. More recently returned to the game on a more active basis playing on the newly-created Treebeard server, since its launch, where I play several characters of different classes on Deadly+ difficulty.


U Lotro-Wiki User since:

  August 2, 2021.
N Lotro-Wiki Ninja since:

  August 5, 2021.
E Lotro-Wiki Editor since:

  October 12, 2021.
A Lotro-Wiki Administrator since:

  October 19, 2021.
B Lotro-Wiki Bureaucrat since:

  May 28, 2022.
D Lotro-Wiki Director since:

  October 18, 2022.