Quest:Reclaiming the Platform

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Reclaiming the Platform
Level 52
Type Solo
Starts with Thalfar
Starts at The Silvertine Lodes
Start Region Silvertine Lodes
Map Ref [10.6S, 113.3W]
Quest Group Moria: Silvertine Lodes
Quest Chain Banding Together
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Forgive me for placing yet another burden upon you, but the miners have complained that the platform of Menem-berej is frequently overrun by goblins or other creatures, and they need it patrolled more frequently to keep such threats at bay while they prospect for Mithril.

'I won't have my miners picked off by goblin filth! I need you to go patrol that platform and clear it of creatures to ensure the miner's safety.'


Thalfar has asked you to patrol the huge mining platform of Menem-berej to the south.

He needs it cleared of creatures so that the miners can safely prospect for Mithril.

Objective 1

  • Defeat enemies or creatures at Menem-berej (0/12)

Patrol the platform of Menem-berej to the south of the Deep Descent, and clear it and the area immediately around it of any dangerous creatures.

Thalfar: 'Clear off that platform, if you would. I cannot have my miners getting hurt on Menem-berej.'

Objective 2

Thalfar is in the central mining camp the Silvertine Lodes.

You should return to Thalfar and inform him that the platform has been cleared, for now.

Thalfar: 'Thank you for your efforts <name>. We're terribly short-handed here, given the threat of the goblins all around us.
'Whether or not those miners ever find anything, I rest easier knowing that they are safe.'