Quest:Instance: A Place for Hobbits

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only an outline, needs text from conversations

Chapter 1: A Place for Hobbits
Level 110
Type Solo
Starts with Gandalf
Starts at Bâr Thorenion
Ends with [[]]
Ends at Bâr Thorenion
Quest Chain Allegiance: Hobbits of the Company
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue


After the question of whether they should go into Mordor, Gandalf announced he had something - or rather some-place - to show Pippin and Merry.

Objective 1

Gandalf has led you to Bâr Thorenion in North Ithilien, cut into a high place above Cormallen.

You should talk to Gandalf to hear more about Bâr Thorenion.

Objective 2

Gandalf has invited everyone to step in and see Bâr Thorenion. You should talk to Merry and Pippin and hear what they think of it all.

Objective 3

  • Explore Bâr Thorenion

Explore Bâr Thorenion with Merry and Pippin.

Objective 4

Talk to Pippin in the central courtyard, now that you have all explored Bâr Thorenion.

Objective 5

  • collect stuff

Help Pippin and Merry gather the things needed for a makeshift meal.

Objective 6

You should bring the things you collected to the table.

Objective 7

Pippin and Merry have come running back with their own findings.

Objective 8

Join Merry and Pippin in enjoying the makeshift meal.