Quest:Instance: Something Has Awoken

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Instance: Something Has Awoken
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Silirtas
Starts at Ilzag Khûl
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [26.7S, 61.4W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 12
Reflecting Pool Imhûlar Reflecting Pool
Reflecting Pool Urash Dâr Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Something Has Awoken
"We must be careful. Maurûsh crawls with Orcs."


Something stirs within the old keep of Maurûsh, but it is not the presence of the Ordâkhai that threatens Urash Dâr from behind its walls.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Silirtas outside Maurûsh
  • Fight alongside Silirtas and Sigilethas you investigate Maurûsh

Silirtas and Sigileth have come with you to investigate Maurûsh.

Silirtas: 'Something drove the Ordâkhai from this place. Was it the Orcs... or was it something else? We should be careful, but we must learn these answers if we can.'
Silirtas says, "Those defenders were few."
Silirtas says, "What sorcerous enchantment have they worked here?"
Sigileth says, "Where have they gone? They left much equipment behind."

Objective 2

The Orcs remaining in Maurûsh seemingly abandoned much of their equipment at one of their camp-fires.

A feeling of exhaustion overwhelms you

Objective 3

Sigileth and Silirtas stand unmoving in Maurûsh. What has happened to them... or to you?

Sigileth stands unmoving, as if she were frozen in place

Objective 4

  • Examine Sigileth

Sigileth and Silirtas stand unmoving in Maurûsh. What has happened to them... or to you?

Silirtas also stands frozen in place. What has happened to them... or to you?

Objective 5

  • Search deeper within Maurûsh for some way to free your friends

Some evil located deeper within Maurûsh may hold the key to freeing Sigileth and Silirtas from the ensnaring enchantment.

'Who... approaches...?'
'Over... here...'
'We slept... but now we awaken...'

Objective 6

An unusual creature, larger than the other Orcs you have seen, stands deep within Maurûsh. Or is this creature a product of the enchantment in which you have been snared?

A great weight lifts from your eyelids

Objective 7

  • Wait for answers

A great weight lifts from your eyelids.

Objective 8

  • Talk to Sigileth within Maurûsh

Sigileth stares at you with concern.

Sigileth: '<name>! Are you all right? You appeared to swoon for a moment, and you responded to nothing!'
You ask Sigileth if she or Silirtas heard the terrible voice that spoke to you, or saw the large and fearsome Orcs, and both Elves shake their heads.
'You were dazed for only moments, <name>. How could you...?'
Sigileth's voice trails away to nothing, and she suddenly looks past you to the south.
'Someone approaches!'
Mithrandir says, "Over here! There is no time!"

Objective 9

Mithrandir has come to Maurûsh... but for what purpose has the Wizard travelled so far south?

Mithrandir: 'A terrible evil sleeps in this place, <name>, and it is more dangerous than you can face alone! We cannot stay here!
'Quickly, now!'
Mithrandir says, "Go!"

Objective 10

  • Flee down the slope to the south to escape from Maurûsh!

Some great evil pursues you! You have to escape from Maurûsh!

Instance: Something Has Awoken