Quest:Chapter 13.5: The Watch on the Dead City
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Level | 125 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Faramir |
Starts at | Bridge of Gúliant |
Start Region | Morgul Vale |
Map Ref | [64.9S, 0.5W] |
Ends with | Mithrandir |
Ends at | Echad Uial |
End Region | Morgul Vale |
Map Ref | [65.1S, 4.2E] |
Quest Group | The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 13 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 12
The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 13
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'When I was just a boy, my brother Boromir and I had the finest teachers in all of Gondor. They told us tales of noble Elendil, wise Isildur, and bold Anárion, and our days were spent reenacting their most heroic deeds. But of all these tales, it was the fall of Minas Ithil to the Lord of the Nazgûl that most moved my brother's heart. I can still hear his voice recounting it to me on a stormy afternoon, <name>, and though the tale is a sad one the recollection is welcome to me. '"An army of Orcs came to the gates," I can hear him say, "but they were met by a hail of stones. The lord of the city, a great captain named Egalmoth, sent out sorties to sow confusion upon the Orcs and delay their plans. The Witch-king himself sought to breach the gates, but could not; years before and at the request of the King of Gondor, the wizard Curunír placed powerful enchantments upon them, and they held against the Witch-king's evil sorceries. But Egalmoth knew his men could not outlast the forces arrayed against them. At dawn of the appointed day, he sounded his war-horn and led his men on their mounts through the gates, forming a wedge to drive the enemies to either side or trample them underfoot. They rode to the bridge; see the light on their faces as they approach, knowing freedom is near! But it was not to be so, for as they neared the Ithiliant, the bridge sundered, its pieces falling into the river. Egalmoth could go no further, but he despaired not. He commanded his men to turn their backs to the raging river, and they charged once again... straight toward the Orc armies and their fell commanders. So died Egalmoth, but the tale of Egalmoth's Onslaught fills our hearts with joy even today, for we know that he died in service of Gondor, and so we remember him."' Faramir smiles, remembering his brother's love for this tale. Then he sighs wistfully, and scuffs the stones with the toe of his boot. 'The Nazgûl had weakened the supports of the bridge, so ensuring Egalmoth could not escape that way. Boromir was always quick to point out that it was a strategy they had learned from Isildur, for the son of Elendil had used that very tactic against them when he first escaped Minas Ithil. Theirs was not a mindless evil, <name>. Let us be glad they are gone. 'Yes, the Nazgûl are slain with Sauron, but others might still work his evil within the Dead City. South of here, the road climbs up to Minas Morgul. Go there and learn what you can of the situation inside. Defeat whatever foes you find there in memory of the hero Egalmoth, and in memory of my brother too.' BackgroundFaramir, Prince of Ithilien, has been kept busy maintaining the watch on Minas Morgul. Objective 1
The entrance to Minas Morgul is located at the end of the road south of the Bridge of Gúliant. Faramir asked you to do battle with the foes you find in the Dead City.
Objective 2
Passage between the second and third tiers of Minas Morgul can be found north-west of the Song-house of Lindalírë.
Objective 3
You found a mortally-wounded Morgul cultist on the ramp between the second and third tiers of Minas Morgul, north-west of the Song-house of Lindalírë.
Objective 4
Faramir intended to return to Echad Uial. You should find him there and tell him what you learned from the dying Morgul cultist.
Objective 5
Faramir is at Echad Uial, waiting for you to report on what you encountered in the Dead City.
Objective 6
Mithrandir has made the journey to Echad Uial.