Quest:The Secret Shadow

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The Secret Shadow
Level 129
Type Solo
Starts with Mithrandir
Starts at Falch Gurth
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [68.4S, 6.1E]
Ends with Mithrandir
Ends at Thuringwath
End Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [69.1S, 7.0E]
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Thuringwath
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I am told that beyond this darkness lies Thuringwath, the Valley of Secret Shadow.

'It is difficult to believe the Enemy could have hidden such a place so near to Minas Ithil of old, but it is that uncertainty which has led me here.

'Have the Enemy's works crumbled to naught behind a veil of shadow? Or does some evil still dwell beneath the notice of Gondor?

'I must know the truth of it, but I do not wish to walk alone. Will you accompany me, <name>?'


Thuringwath, the Valley of Secret Shadow, has remained hidden among the slopes of Ephel Dúath since the Second Age of the world.

Objective 1

Mithrandir can be found in Falch Gurth.

Mithrandir has asked you to accompany him into Thuringwath. You should talk to Mithrandir when you are prepared.

Mithrandir: 'Come, <name>.'

Complete Instance: The Secret Shadow

Objective 2

Mithrandir can be found in Thuringwath.

You have passed through Falch Gurth into Thuringwath with Mithrandir. You should talk to Mithrandir.

Mithrandir: 'It is worse than I feared, <name>.'