Quest:Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of Rhudaur

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Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of Rhudaur
Level 107
Type Solo
Starts with Mithrandir
Starts at The Slag-hills
Start Region The Wastes
Map Ref [36.9S, 3.5W]
Ends with Elrond
Ends at The Haven of Orladion
End Region Rivendell
Map Ref [28.9S, 3.8W]
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 2
Class Burglar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have studied the artifact that Ayorzén stole from the vault of Durthang. It bears a powerful corruption, but it was not made in the land of Mordor. It came from elsewhere, and the corruption that envelops it stems from its long stay in the Black Land. If this evil could be cleansed, I believe that Elrond could imbue it with a powerful and vital force for Good.

'Before that can happen, however, we must do something about the corruption that Mordor has worked upon it. There are different methods to accomplish this, though the Wise disagree upon the effectiveness of each. My preferred means for such a cure is to bring the corrupted item to the place where it was made, or to places of some significance upon its path, and to thereby diffuse the foul touch of Mordor that has, in the interim, claimed it. We must learn the story of this heirloom before it came to Mordor.'

The Wizard turns the artifact over in his hands, studying it for some clue to its origin. To your eye the heirloom is a small and mostly featureless cup. Then you see that a single blood-red ruby is mounted on one face of the cup, and you marvel that no enterprising Orc in Mordor ever sought to remove the valuable gem. Mithrandir seems to know your thought.

'Yes, the stone is precious, but that is not what has caught my eye. This cup is very plain, otherwise, but the clay from which it was fashioned is of a type that was oft-used among the hill-men that populated Rhudaur during the days of that kingdom's ascension. Elrond may know more, for the Last Homely House is hidden not far from the reaches of old Rhudaur. Yes, speak to Elrond, and learn what he may know of this heirloom of Rhudaur.'


Mithrandir has studied the artifact that Ayorzén stole from the vault of Durthang and believes that if it might be cleansed of its corruption it could be empowered with a force for Good.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Elrond in his library in Rivendell

Elrond can be found in the library of the Last Homely House, in Rivendell.

CORRUPTED CUP "This cup is fashioned of clay used by the hill-men of Rhudaur during the days of their ascendancy, and it has a single blood-red ruby mounted on one side. The time it spent in Mordor has added to its corruption, and now it radiates a feeling of great evil."
Mithrandir: 'This cup is quite plain, but the clay from which it was fashioned is of a type that was oft-used among the hill-men that populated Rhudaur during the days of that kingdom's ascension. Elrond may know more, for the Last Homely House is hidden not far from the reaches of old Rhudaur. Yes, speak to Elrond, and learn what he may know of this heirloom of Rhudaur.'
Elrond: 'I sense that you have brought an artifact of great evil to my house, <name>. It is not the first time that an object of great power and evil has been brought here over my complaints, nor is it the most evil, but still I am not pleased at this transgression. Who gave you the idea this was acceptable? No, do not answer me. I know the advice of Wizards when it comes unhappily near. You may as well show me this thing, <name>.'
You hand the small cup to Elrond and he studies it with distaste.
'Yes, this cup remained in Mordor for many years, but the corruption that encircles it has roots long before it came to the Black Land. Cups of this type were used in sacrifices committed by priests of Rhudaur in their evil ceremonies. Do not drink from it!
'It may be that the pure cold water of the Misty Mountains can cleanse the evil from it. Near the source of the Bruinen in the mountains north of Rivendell you will find a series of waterfalls. Fill the cup at each of these, and defeat any creatures that draw near. By that process, it could be that the cup will be cleansed of its evil.'

Objective 2

  • Fill the Cup of Rhudaur at waterfalls near the Bruinen source and defeat the creatures drawn by its evil (0/3)

The course of the Bruinen in the Misty Mountains falls in three levels before it comes out of the mountains. Elrond asked you to fill the cup of Rhudaur with cold, clear water from waterfalls in the Misty Mountains, and to defeat any creatures drawn by its corruption.

BUBBLING WATER "Water cascades in a frigid rush, down from the heights of the Misty Mountains."
Using ...
You fill the cup with cold water, but the corrupting evil remains
Your mighty blow defeated the Evil-fascinated Snow-beast.
The beast falls, free of the evil that compelled it to attack
You fill the cup with cold water, but the corrupting evil remains
Your mighty blow defeated the Evil-fascinated Snow-lurker.
The beast falls, free of the evil that compelled it to attack
You fill the cup with cold water, but the corrupting evil remains
Your mighty blow defeated the Evil-fascinated Curr-olog.
The beast falls, free of the evil that compelled it to attack

Objective 3

  • Talk to Elrond in the library of Rivendell

Elrond is in the library of Rivendell.

Elrond: 'The cold water of the Misty Mountains had no lasting effect upon the corruption that grips the cup of Rhudaur? That was always a possibility. There is one other road available to us, but it travels to a dangerous place where much evil was done both long ago, and more recently. I speak of the Rhudauran Lost Temple.
'The cup must be brought to the innermost chamber of the temple and set upon the dais. If the evil is then cleansed, you may return with it here and I will imbue it was a force for Good. Otherwise, young Burglar, you must leave it behind.
'Speak to me when you are ready to depart for the temple, and I will have further advice for you.'

Objective 4

  • 'Talk to Elrond and travel to the Lost Temple to cleanse the Cup of Rhudaur

Elrond is in his library in Rivendell, waiting to advise you about your journey to the Lost Temple to cleanse the cup of Rhudaur.

Elrond: 'The Lost Temple should be empty, and you should have no difficulty reaching its innermost chamber. But listen to these words of caution! I have known burglars to occasionally have difficulty leaving well enough alone. If you can resist touching anything while you make your way to the inner chamber, the venture should pass without incident. But if you cannot...'
Elrond looks at you sternly and lets the rest of the sentiment hang in the air, unspoken.

Objective 4

  • Bring the Cup of Sacrifice to Elrond in Rivendell

Elrond is at the Haven of Orladion in Rivendell, north-west of the Last Homely House.

You have cleansed the corruption from the Cup of Sacrifice and should bring it now to Elrond in Rivendell.

CUP OF SACRIFICE "This cup was used by Rhudauran priests in their vile ceremonies, but it has been cleansed of its evil."
Elrond: 'It is good that you have cleansed the corruption from the Cup of Sacrifice, <name>, for if you are to journey beneath the shroud that covers Gorgoroth, you will need the aid of a light that can pierce the darkness. Did you follow my advice within the Lost Temple and touch nothing?'
Before you can answer, Elrond takes the Cup of Sacrifice from you and dips it into the font beside him. When the artifact emerges from the glowing circle, light drips soundlessly from it and pools like water in the basin.
Never in all its long years has the cup been filled with such joyful purpose, and the radiance contained within blinds the eye and lifts the heart to song. Elrond smiles at the sight, and his voice is filled with determination when he speaks again.
'With the Light of Eärendil, you will be able to walk where the shadows lie, and overcome them.'