
The Barûg is a river in Haradwaith. It flows north from Mûr Ghala, running along the eastern edge of Khûd Zagin and the western slopes of Imhûlar. The river has many drops and rapids, with steep cliffs rising on each side, although there are a few spots where swimming is possible. The safest crossing is Span of Danagír, a vertigo-inducing arch without railing somewhat ironically called "the Safe Path". The Barûg brings life to the cliffs around it, coloring both the Barrens of Ubâd and the Woods of Burush Dûr green. An offshoot of the Barûg also runs through Kûgrun, the Golden Sanctuary and into Vartúlin, giving life to the ancient Kintai grove there. The Barûg empties out into the much larger Ikorbân river and joins its course towards the sea.