Forest River
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The Forest River is a great river that flows through northern Mirkwood. It begins in the Grey Mountains far to the north and then flows south-east, joined by the Enchanted River near Thranduil's caverns, until it meets the River Running at Esgaroth.
The river was used by the Raft-elves to carry their goods. This river was used by the Dwarves of the Company to escape through barrels.
Despite its name, the Forest River starts as a mountain river, as it pours down from the Grey Mountains above Glimmerdeep.
From here, the entire river's upper stretch is visible among the gorges, leading south to the forest.
The Forest River's first crossing is a tree bridge, creating access to the Glimmerdeep from downstream.
The river soon comes into contact with its first trees, which will be a steady companion for it through its course.
The river's first ford is located just north of the lake, leading east to Skarháld.
The Forest River then becomes a lake, its shores covered with reeds.
In the lake stands a statue of a Dwarven king, presumably one of the Durins.
At the south end of the lake, the Forest River reforms as it passes beneath Óinsbridge.
From here, it passes out of view as it enters Eryn Lasgalen, becoming a true forest river.
Further south, the Forest River flows into a small lake northwest of Felegoth.
The river's flow carries on through the lake into a fall on the east side.
Beyond the fall, the Forest River seeps into a marshy area, its flow slowing down.
The river flows past Tholkát, where wood trolls dwell.
Beyond Tholkát, the Forest River heads into a heavily wooded stretch towards Felegoth.
The river picks up more speed and widens as the gradient becomes steeper.
After another fall, the Forest River whitens with a strong current.
Thick white beech trees line the banks of the Forest River as the current gradually slows down again.
The river flows more slowly onward, now heading away from the halls of the elven-king.
The Enchanted River merges in, its sorcerous magic broken by the pure waters of the Forest River.
The Forest River is filled with fishing nets, rigged to catch fish as they swim down the river.
Once again, the river picks up speed, forming rapids and even lurching off into a few waterfalls.
Beyond one of these waterfalls, a lone barrel can be spotted stuck in the shrubs near a rock.
One last waterfall carries the river into the marshy riverland just beyond the forest's edge.
Here, the Forest River continues on towards the elven township of Loeglond.
The life of the elves here is dependent on the river, using it both for reposing in boats, and receiving barrels of goods from upstream.
The Forest River continues its flow past Loeglond, the eaves of Eryn Lasgalen now behind it.
As it enters the Dale-lands proper, the river is crossed by a bridge leading north towards Erebor and south to the Fields of Celduin. The river then finally ends as it feeds into Long Lake.