User:Gaerlin/Task Items by Item Level

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Task Quest Task Item Qty Min
Faction Points Location
Albino Fur  Albino Fur 10 46 48 Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Albino Fur  Albino Fur 10 46 48 None Echad Dúnann
Albino Fur  Albino Fur 10 46 48 None Gwingris
Albino Fur  Albino Fur 10 47 48 None Echad Mirobel
Albino Skin  Albino Skin 10 47 48 Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Albino Skin  Albino Skin 10 47 48 None Echad Dúnann
Albino Skin  Albino Skin 10 48 48 None Echad Mirobel
Albino Skin  Albino Skin 10 49 48 Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Ancient Sword Sheaths  Ancient Sword Sheath 10 130 121 Protectors of Wilderland: 300 Wells of Langflood
Armoured Carapaces  Armoured Carapace 10 47 48 None Gwingris
Armoured Carapaces  Armoured Carapace 10 48 48 Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Barbed Claws  Barbed Claw 10 50 51 Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Barbed Claws  Barbed Claw 10 50 51 Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Bent Claws  Bent Claw 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Bent Metal Maces  Bent Metal Mace 10 61 xx Men of Dunland: 300 Galtrev
Bent Wings  Bent Wing 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Bent Wings  Bent Wing 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Beautiful Sword Sheaths  Beautiful Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Beautiful Sword Sheaths  Beautiful Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Black Heartwood  Black Heartwood 10 30 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Blackened Beaks  Blackened Beak 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Blackened Branches  Blackened Branch 10 130 xx Protectors of Wilderland: 300 Wells of Langflood
Blackened Carapaces  Blackened Carapace 10 18 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Blackened Claws  Blackened Claw 10 121 xx March on Gundabad: 300 Elderslade
Blackened Filth  Blackened Filth 10 14 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Blackened Fur  Blackened Fur 10 16 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Blackened Furs  Blackened Fur 10 20 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Blackened Fur  Blackened Fur 10 20 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Blackened Skin  Blackened Skin 10 17 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Blackened Skin  Blackened Skin 10 21 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Blackened Sword Sheaths  Blackened Sword Sheath 10 17 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Blackened Sword Sheaths  Blackened Sword Sheath 10 21 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Blotchy Skins  Blotchy Skin 10 71 xx Théodred's Riders: 300 Forthbrond
Blotchy Skins  Blotchy Skin 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Blotchy Skins  Blotchy Skin 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Blunt Branches  Blunt Branch 10 15 xx None Swanfleet
Bright Dust  Bright Dust 10 43 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Bristled Fur  Bristled Fur 10 115 xx Elves of Felegoth: 300 Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Broken Daggers  Broken Dagger 10 11 xx None Swanfleet
Broken Daggers  Broken Dagger 10 10 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Broken Daggers  Broken Dagger 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Broken Great Swords  Broken Great Sword 10 41 xx None Gabilshathûr
Broken Great Swords  Broken Great Sword 10 42 xx None Aughaire
Broken Great Swords  Broken Great Sword 10 43 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Hrimbarg
Broken Great Swords  Broken Great Sword 10 44 xx None Zigilgund
Broken Greatswords  Broken Great Sword 10 43 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Pynti-peldot
Broken Greatswords  Broken Great Sword 10 42 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Broken Halberds  Broken Halberd 10 38 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Echad Garthadir
Broken Halberds  Broken Halberd 10 38 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Broken Halberds  Broken Halberd 10 38 xx None Aughaire
Broken Halberds  Broken Halberd 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Broken Hatchets  Broken Hatchet 10 14 xx None Swanfleet
Broken Hatchets  Broken Hatchet 10 17 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Broken Hatchets  Broken Hatchet 10 14 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Broken Long Bows  Broken Long Bow 10 49 xx None Echad Mirobel
Broken Longswords  Broken Longsword 10 30 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
Broken Longswords  Broken Longsword 10 33 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Broken Longswords  Broken Longsword 10 38 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Broken Longswords  Broken Longsword 10 42 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Broken Longswords  Broken Longsword 10 34 xx None Ost Forod
Broken Short Bows  Broken Short Bow 10 28 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Broken Short Bows  Broken Short Bow 10 28 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Broken Short Bows  Broken Short Bow 10 29 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Broken Short Bows  Broken Short Bow 10 31 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Broken Sword Sheaths  Broken Sword Sheath 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Broken Sword Sheaths  Broken Sword Sheath 10 11 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Broken Sword Sheaths  Broken Sword Sheath 10 9 xx None Swanfleet
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 24 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 23 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 24 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 24 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 23 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 24 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Broken Wood Spears  Broken Wood Spear 10 26 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Broken Wooden Clubs  Broken Wooden Club 10 46 xx None Echad Dúnann
Broken Wooden Clubs  Broken Wooden Club 10 46 xx None Gwingris
Broken Wooden Clubs  Broken Wooden Club 10 47 xx Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Broken Wooden Clubs  Broken Wooden Club 10 47 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Broken Wooden Clubs  Broken Wooden Club 10 47 xx None Echad Mirobel
Broken Wooden Maces  Broken Wooden Mace 10 16 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Broken Wooden Maces  Broken Wooden Mace 10 20 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Bulbous Goo  Bulbous Goo 10 20 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Bubbling Goo  Bubbling Goo 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Bumpy Scales  Bumpy Scale 10 29 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Burnt Ears  Burnt Ear 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 War-stead of the King's Men
Burnt Ears  Burnt Ear 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 Ost Rimmon
Burnt Ears  Burnt Ear 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Calcified Carapaces  Calcified Carapace 10 116 xx Wilderfolk Vales of Anduin
Charming Sword Sheaths  Charming Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Charming Sword Sheaths  Charming Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Clean Tails  Clean Tail 10 45 xx None Gabilshathûr
Clean Tails  Clean Tail 10 45 xx None Zigilgund
Clipped Ears  Clipped Ear 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Clipped Ears  Clipped Ear 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Clipped Ears  Clipped Ear 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Clipped Wings  Clipped Wing 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Clipped Wings  Clipped Wing 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 20 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 22 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 23 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 23 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 26 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Coarse Fur  Coarse Fur 10 26 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Coarse Skins  Coarse Skin 10 24 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 21 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 23 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 24 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 25 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 25 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Coarse Skin  Coarse Skin 10 27 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Contorted Ears  Contorted Ear 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Cracked Axe  Cracked Axe 10 130 xx Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold: 300 Gundabad
Creepy Filth  Creepy Filth 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Creepy Filth  Creepy Filth 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Creepy Skin  Creepy Skin 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Creepy Skin  Creepy Skin 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Cracked Beaks  Cracked Beak 10 21 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Cracked Lances  Cracked Lance 10 130 xx The Great Alliance: 300 Morgul Vale
Crooked Branches  Crooked Branch 10 29 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Curious Goo  Curious Goo 10 115 xx Conquest of Gorgoroth: 300 The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Damaged Claws  Damaged Claw 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Damaged Claws  Damaged Claw 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Damaged Ears  Damaged Ear 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Damaged Furs  Damaged Fur 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Damaged Furs  Damaged Fur 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Damaged Furs  Damaged Fur 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Damaged Furs  Damaged Fur 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Deadly Claws  Deadly Claw 10 115 xx Men of Dale: 300 Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Decorative Sword Sheaths  Decorative Sword Sheath 10 71 xx Théodred's Riders: 300 Forthbrond
Decorative Sword Sheaths  Decorative Sword Sheath 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Decorative Sword Sheaths  Decorative Sword Sheath 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Decrepit Finger Bones  Decrepit Finger Bone 10 29 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Dim Dust  Dim Dust 10 25 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Dim Dust  Dim Dust 10 25 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Dirty Ears  Dirty Ear 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Dirty Filth  Dirty Filth 10 12 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Dirty Filth  Dirty Filth 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Dirty Scales  Dirty Scale 10 12 xx None Swanfleet
Dirty Wings  Dirty Wing 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Dirty Wings  Dirty Wing 10 8 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Dull Beaks  Dull Beak 10 8 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Disgusting Filth  Disgusting Filth 10 130 xx The White Company: 300 Morgul Vale
Dusky Ears  Dusky Ear 10 20 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Dusky Ears  Dusky Ear 10 20 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Dusky Wings  Dusky Wing 10 18 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Dusky Wings  Dusky Wing 10 20 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Dwarf Sword Sheath  Dwarf-made Sword Sheath 10 120 xx Grey Mountains Expedition: 300 Grey Mountains
Elegant Scales  Elegant Scale 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Elegant Scales  Elegant Scale 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Elegant Sword Sheath  Elegant Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Elegant Sword Sheath  Elegant Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Elven Sword Sheaths  Elven Sword Sheath 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 Ost Rimmon
Elven Sword Sheaths  Elven Sword Sheath 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 War-stead of the King's Men
Enlarged Carapaces  Enlarged Carapace 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Extremely Sharp Beaks  Extremely Sharp Beak 10 40 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Extremely Sharp Claws  Extremely Sharp Claw 10 30 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
Extremely Sharp Claws  Extremely Sharp Claw 10 39 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Extremely Sharp Claws  Extremely Sharp Claw 10 36 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Fading Essences  Fading Essence 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Foetid Filth  Foetid Filth 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Fine Feathers  Fine Feather 10 35 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Fine Fur  Fine Fur 10 32 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
Fine Fur  Fine Fur 10 33 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Fine Fur  Fine Fur 10 34 xx None Ost Forod
Fine Skin  Fine Skin 10 31 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
Fine Skin  Fine Skin 10 40 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Fine Skin  Fine Skin 10 34 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Fine Skin  Fine Skin 10 35 xx None Ost Forod
Flawed Ears  Flawed Ear 10 22 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Flawed Ears  Flawed Ear 10 24 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Flawed Ears  Flawed Ear 10 27 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Flawed Goo  Flawed Goo 10 25 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Flawed Goo  Flawed Goo 10 25 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Flawed Goo  Flawed Goo 10 26 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Frost-rimed Claw  Frost-rimed Claw 10 130 xx Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold: 300 Gundabad
Frost-rimed Ear  Frost-rimed Ear 10 130 xx Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold: 300 Gundabad
Frost-rimed Skin  Frost-rimed Skin 10 130 xx Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold: 300 Gundabad
Fuzzy Wings  Fuzzy Wing 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 43 xx None Aughaire
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 44 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Pynti-peldot
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 43 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 44 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Hrimbarg
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 44 xx None Gabilshathûr
Gilded Sword Sheaths  Gilded Sword Sheath 10 45 xx None Zigilgund
Glassy Carapaces  Glassy Carapace 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Gleaming Goo  Gleaming Goo 10 130 xx Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold: 300 Gundabad
Glinting Dust Piles  Glinting Dust 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Glistening Essences  Glistening Essence 10 20 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Glistening Filth  Glistening Filth 10 19 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Glittering Sword Sheaths  Glittering Sword Sheath 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Glossy Essences  Glossy Essence 10 25 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Glossy Essences  Glossy Essence 10 26 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Glossy Essences  Glossy Essence 10 27 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Great Ears  Great Ear 10 45 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Hrimbarg
Great Filth  Great Filth 10 42 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Great Filth  Great Filth 10 45 xx None Gabilshathûr
Great Membranes  Great Membrane 10 46 xx None Gabilshathûr
Great Scales  Great Scale 10 44 xx None Zigilgund
Great Scales  Great Scale 10 45 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Grey Ears  Grey Ear 10 32 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
Grey Ears  Grey Ear 10 35 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Grey Goo  Grey Goo 10 41 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Grey Heartwood  Grey Heartwood 10 39 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Hardened Carapaces  Hardened Carapace 10 38 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Hardened Carapaces  Hardened Carapace 10 40 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Heavy Carapaces  Heavy Carapace 10 28 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Heavy Carapaces  Heavy Carapace 10 29 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Heavy Carapaces  Heavy Carapace 10 33 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Heavy Sword Sheaths  Heavy Sword Sheath 10 30 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Heavy Sword Sheaths  Heavy Sword Sheath 10 30 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Heavy Sword Sheaths  Heavy Sword Sheath 10 30 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Heavy Sword Sheaths  Heavy Sword Sheath 10 32 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Huge Ears  Huge Ear 10 41 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Huge Ears  Huge Ear 10 41 xx None Aughaire
Huge Filth  Huge Filth 10 38 xx None Aughaire
Huge Filth  Huge Filth 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Huge Goo  Huge Goo 10 41 xx None Aughaire
Huge Heartwood  Huge Heartwood 10 40 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Huge Scales  Huge Scale 10 41 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Huge Scales  Huge Scale 10 41 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 High Crag
Huge Wings  Huge Wing 10 39 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Intriguing Filth  Intriguing Filth 10 115 xx Conquest of Gorgoroth: 300 Gorgoroth
Jagged Beaks  Jagged Beak 10 21 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Jagged Beaks  Jagged Beak 10 23 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Jagged Beaks  Jagged Beak 10 26 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Jagged Beaks  Jagged Beak 10 28 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Jagged Claws  Jagged Claw 10 18 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Jellied Goo  Jellied Goo 10 30 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Jewelled Sword Sheaths  Jewelled Sword Sheath 10 47 xx None Echad Dúnann
Jewelled Sword Sheaths  Jewelled Sword Sheath 10 48 xx None Echad Mirobel
Jewelled Sword Sheaths  Jewelled Sword Sheath 10 49 xx Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Knotted Branches  Knotted Branch 10 39 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Knotted Heartwood  Knotted Heartwood 1 68 xx Heroes of Limlight Gorge: 900 The Great River
Large Filth  Large Filth 10 22 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Large Filth  Large Filth 10 23 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Large Filth  Large Filth 10 24 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Large Filth  Large Filth 10 26 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Large Finger Bones  Large Finger Bone 10 26 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Large Finger Bones  Large Finger Bone 10 27 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Large Wings  Large Wing 10 20 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Large Wings  Large Wing 10 22 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Large Wings  Large Wing 10 26 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Large Wings  Large Wing 10 26 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Lashing Tails  Lashing Tail 10 130 xx Protectors of Wilderland: 300 Wells of Langflood
Leathery Fur  Leathery Fur 10 28 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Leathery Fur  Leathery Fur 10 30 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Leathery Fur  Leathery Fur 10 33 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Lethal Sharp Claws  Lethal Sharp Claw 10 38 xx None Aughaire
Lethal Sharp Claws  Lethal Sharp Claw 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Light Carapaces  Light Carapace 10 9 xx None Swanfleet
Light Carapaces  Light Carapace 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Light Carapaces  Light Carapace 10 11 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Lost Essences  Lost Essence 10 116 xx Wilderfolk Vales of Anduin
Marked Furs  Marked Fur 10 71 xx Théodred's Riders: 300 Forthbrond
Marked Furs  Marked Fur 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Marked Furs  Marked Fur 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Matted Feathers  Matted Feather 10 9 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Matted Furs  Matted Fur 10 12 xx None Swanfleet
Matted Fur  Matted Fur 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Matted Furs  Matted Fur 10 9 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Matted Skins  Matted Skin 10 10 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Matted Skins  Matted Skin 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Metal Sword Sheaths  Metal Sword Sheath 10 61 xx Men of Dunland: 300 Galtrev
Monstrous Ears  Monstrous Ear 10 48 xx None Echad Dúnann
Monstrous Ears  Monstrous Ear 10 46 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Monstrous Filth  Monstrous Filth 10 46 xx None Gwingris
Monstrous Filth  Monstrous Filth 10 47 xx Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Monstrous Goo  Monstrous Goo 10 47 xx None Gwingris
Monstrous Heartwood  Monstrous Heartwood 10 47 xx None Gwingris
Monstrous Wings  Monstrous Wing 10 47 xx None Gwingris
Monstrous Wings  Monstrous Wing 10 48 xx Council of the North: 300 Gath Forthnír
Monstrous Wings  Monstrous Wing 10 48 xx None Echad Dúnann
Mossy Branches  Mossy Branch 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Mossy Carapaces  Mossy Carapace 10 15 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Mouldy Skins  Mouldy Skin 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 Ost Rimmon
Mouldy Skins  Mouldy Skin 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 War-stead of the King's Men
Mouldy Skins  Mouldy Skin 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Mucky Filth  Mucky Filth 10 68 xx Men of Dunland: 300 Galtrev
Muted Dust  Muted Dust 10 34 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Mysterious Ears  Mysterious Ear 10 115 xx Conquest of Gorgoroth: 300 Gorgoroth
Nasty Filth  Nasty Filth 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Nasty Filth  Nasty Filth 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
New Sword Sheaths  New Sword Sheath 10 31 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Barachen's Camp
New Sword Sheaths  New Sword Sheath 10 42 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
New Sword Sheaths  New Sword Sheath 10 35 xx None Ost Forod
Night-touched Furs  Night-touched Fur 10 130 xx The White Company: 300 Morgul Vale
Obsidian Scales  Obsidian Scale 10 115 xx Conquest of Gorgoroth: 300 Gorgoroth
Onyx Scales  Onyx Scale 10 121 xx March on Gundabad: 300 Elderslade
Ornate Ears  Ornate Ear 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Ornate Sword Sheaths  Ornate Sword Sheath 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Ornate Sword Sheaths  Ornate Sword Sheath 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Pebbled Filth  Pebbled Filth 10 116 xx Wilderfolk Vales of Anduin
Petrified Branches  Petrified Branch 10 115 xx Elves of Felegoth: 300 Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Piles of Sparkling Dust  Sparkling Dust 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Pitted Finger Bones  Pitted Finger Bone 10 19 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Pitted Sword Sheaths  Pitted Sword Sheath 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Pitted Sword Sheaths  Pitted Sword Sheath 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Pitted Sword Sheaths  Pitted Sword Sheath 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Pitted Sword Sheaths  Pitted Sword Sheath 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Pitted Sword Sheaths  Pitted Sword Sheath 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Polished Scales  Polished Scale 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Polished Scales  Polished Scale 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Polished Wings  Polished Wing 10 49 xx None Echad Mirobel
Polished Sword Sheaths  Polished Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Polished Sword Sheaths  Polished Sword Sheath 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Powerful Branches  Powerful Branch 10 46 xx None Gwingris
Prismatic Carapaces  Prismatic Carapace 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Prismatic Scales  Prismatic Scale 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Punctured Shields  Punctured Shield 15 71 xx Théodred's Riders: 300 Forthbrond
Punctured Shields  Punctured Shield 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Punctured Shields  Punctured Shield 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 42 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 42 xx None Aughaire
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 43 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Pynti-peldot
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 43 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Hrimbarg
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 44 xx None Gabilshathûr
Pure Black Fur  Pure Black Fur 10 44 xx None Zigilgund
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 41 xx None Tyrn Lhuig
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 43 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Kauppa-kohta
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 43 xx None Aughaire
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 44 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Pynti-peldot
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 44 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Hrimbarg
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 45 xx Lossoth of Forochel: 300 Sûri-kylä
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 45 xx None Zigilgund
Pure Black Skin  Pure Black Skin 10 46 xx None Gabilshathûr
Razor Sharp Claws  Razor Sharp Claw 10 45 xx None Gabilshathûr
Raking Claws  Raking Claw 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Raking Claws  Raking Claw 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Twenty-first Hall
Reeking Filth  Reeking Filth 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Ridged Finger-bones  Ridged Finger Bone 10 37 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Ripped Cloaks  Ripped Cloak 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Ripped Cloak  Ripped Cloak 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Rock Tail  Rock Tail 10 120 xx Grey Mountains Expedition: 300 Grey Mountains
Rough Skins  Rough Skin 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Ruffled Feathers  Ruffled Feather 10 25 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Ruffled Feathers  Ruffled Feather 10 27 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Ruffled Feathers  Ruffled Feather 10 28 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Rusted Scimitars  Rusted Scimitar 10 115 xx Dwarves of Erebor: 300 Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Savage Beaks  Savage Beak 10 121 xx March on Gundabad: 300 Elderslade
Scarred Ears  Scarred Ear 10 28 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Scarred Ears  Scarred Ear 10 30 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Scarred Ears  Scarred Ear 10 32 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Scarred Heartwood  Scarred Heartwood 10 26 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Scarred Heartwood  Scarred Heartwood 10 28 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Scarred Tails  Scarred Tail 10 30 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Sharp Claws  Sharp Claw 10 24 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Sharp Scales  Sharp Scale 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Shattered Clubs  Shattered Club 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Shattered Daggers  Shattered Dagger 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Shattered Hatchets  Shattered Hatchet 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Shattered Hatchets  Shattered Hatchet 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Shattered Hatchets  Shattered Hatchet 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Shattered Hatchets  Shattered Hatchet 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Shattered Spears  Shattered Spear 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 Ost Rimmon
Shattered Spears  Shattered Spear 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 War-stead of the King's Men
Shimmering Essences  Shimmering Essence 10 30 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Shimmering Essences  Shimmering Essence 10 30 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Shining Carapaces  Shining Carapace 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Shining Carapaces  Shining Carapace 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Silky Filth  Silky Filth 10 37 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Silky Filth  Silky Filth 10 39 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Silky Furs  Silky Fur 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Sinister Wings  Sinister Wing 10 130 xx Protectors of Wilderland: 300 Wells of Langflood
Sleek Fur  Sleek Fur 10 37 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Sleek Fur  Sleek Fur 10 39 xx None Aughaire
Sleek Skin  Sleek Skin 10 38 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Sleek Skin  Sleek Skin 10 40 xx None Aughaire
Slimy Filth  Slimy Filth 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Small Wings  Small Wing 10 5 xx None Swanfleet
Smooth Scales  Smooth Scale 10 41 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Echad Candelleth
Smooth Wings  Smooth Wing 10 33 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Soft Skin  Soft Skin 10 29 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Soft Skin  Soft Skin 10 29 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Soft Skin  Soft Skin 10 33 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Speckled Ears  Speckled Ear 10 71 xx Théodred's Riders: 300 Forthbrond
Speckled Ears  Speckled Ear 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Speckled Ears  Speckled Ear 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Spiny Carapaces  Spiny Carapace 10 115 xx Men of Dale: 300 Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Split Branches  Split Branch 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Spotted Ears  Spotted Ear 10 61 xx Men of Dunland: 300 Galtrev
Spotted Skin  Spotted Skin 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Guards: 300 The Dolven-view
Spotted Skin  Spotted Skin 10 50 xx Iron Garrison Miners: 300 The Dolven-view
Squishy Goos  Squishy Goo 10 10 xx None Swanfleet
Squishy Goo  Squishy Goo 10 6 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Hobbiton
Squishy Goo  Squishy Goo 10 12 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gondamon
Stained Skins  Stained Skin 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Sticky Filth  Sticky Filth 10 29 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Sticky Filth  Sticky Filth 10 30 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Sticky Filth  Sticky Filth 10 33 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Sticky Goo  Sticky Goo 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Stone-abraded Skin  Stone-abraded Skin 10 120 xx Grey Mountains Expedition: 300 Grey Mountains
Stone-worn Furs  Stone-worn Fur 10 116 xx Wilderfolk Vales of Anduin
Stony Skins  Stony Skin 10 115 xx Conquest of Gorgoroth: 300 Gorgoroth
Stretched Skins  Stretched Skin 10 61 xx Men of Dunland: 300 Galtrev
Stubby Beaks  Stubby Beak 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Studded Sword Sheaths  Studded Sword Sheath 10 38 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Echad Garthadir
Studded Sword Sheaths  Studded Sword Sheath 10 39 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Studded Sword Sheaths  Studded Sword Sheath 10 40 xx None Aughaire
Tarnished Sword Sheaths  Tarnished Sword Sheath 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Tattered Furs  Tattered Fur 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Tattered Skins  Tattered Skin 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Thick Branches  Thick Branch 3 68 xx Heroes of Limlight Gorge: 900 The Great River
Thick Tails  Thick Tail 10 68 xx The Riders of Stangard: 300 The Great River
Thickened Goo  Thickened Goo 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Thin Wings  Thin Wing 10 85 xx The Eorlingas: 300 Edoras
Tinted Carapaces  Tinted Carapace 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Torn Furs  Torn Fur 10 6 xx None Swanfleet
Torn Skins  Torn Skin 10 85 xx The Helmingas: 300 Edoras
Torn Skins  Torn Skin 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Torn Skins  Torn Skin 10 100 xx Pelargir: 300 Central Gondor
Torn Skins  Torn Skin 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Torn Skins  Torn Skin 10 100 xx Defenders of Minas Tirith: 300 Old Anórien
Tough Branches  Tough Branch 10 28 xx The Eglain: 300 Barad Dhorn
Tough Carapaces  Tough Carapace 10 25 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Tough Carapaces  Tough Carapace 10 23 xx The Eglain: 300 The Forsaken Inn
Tough Carapaces  Tough Carapace 10 24 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Esteldín
Tough Carapaces  Tough Carapace 10 25 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Tough Carapaces  Tough Carapace 10 26 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 23 xx Men of Bree: 300 Trestlebridge
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 24 xx Dúnedain of Cardolan: 300 Cardolan
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 24 xx The Eglain: 300 Ost Guruth
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 24 xx Rangers of Esteldín: 300 Amon Raith
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 25 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Lin Giliath
Tough Sword Sheaths  Tough Sword Sheath 10 27 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Othrikar
Toughened Carapaces  Toughened Carapace 10 37 xx Thorin's Hall: 300 Gloin's Camp
Toughened Carapaces  Toughened Carapace 10 39 xx None Aughaire
Toughened Skins  Toughened Skin 10 130 xx The White Company: 300 Morgul Vale
Toxic Filth  Toxic Filth 10 95 xx Dol Amroth: 300 Western Gondor
Toxic Filth  Toxic Filth 10 100 xx Rangers of Ithilien: 300 Eastern Gondor
Tufted Ears  Tufted Ear 10 130 xx The White Company: 300 Morgul Vale
Tufted Ears  Tufted Ear 10 121 xx March on Gundabad: 300 Elderslade
Unkempt Fur  Unkempt Fur 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Unkempt Fur  Unkempt Fur 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Very Sharp Beaks  Very Sharp Beak 10 34 xx Elves of Rivendell: 300 Thorenhad
Very Sharp Claws  Very Sharp Claw 10 28 xx The Mathom Society: 300 Oatbarton
Very Sharp Claws  Very Sharp Claw 10 31 xx The Wardens of Annúminas: 300 Tinnudir
Weathered Beaks  Weathered Beak 10 75 xx None East Rohan
Weathered Beaks  Weathered Beak 10 80 xx People of Wildermore: 300 Wildermore
Wet Fur  Wet Fur 10 14 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Wet Skin  Wet Skin 10 15 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree
Withered Claw  Withered Claw 10 120 xx Grey Mountains Expedition: 300 Grey Mountains
Withered Ear  Withered Ear 10 120 xx Grey Mountains Expedition: 300 Grey Mountains
Worn Furs  Worn Fur 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 War-stead of the King's Men
Worn Furs  Worn Fur 10 100 xx Riders of Rohan: 300 Ost Rimmon
Worn Furs  Worn Fur 10 100 xx Host of the West: 300 Camp of the Host
Worn Sword Sheaths  Worn Sword Sheath 10 15 xx Men of Bree: 300 Bree