Quest:Task: Jewelled Sword Sheaths

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Task: Jewelled Sword Sheaths
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Tasks Bulletin Board
Quest Group Task
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

[47] Wanted: Jewelled sword sheaths from the Men and half-orcs in the areas around Echad Dúnann. Deliver the items to Tinúriel at Echad Dúnann.

[48] Wanted: Jewelled sword sheaths from the enemies of the Free Peoples. Deliver the items to Maegamiel at Echad Mirobel in the southern section of Eregion.

[49] Wanted: Jewelled sword sheaths from the intelligent creatures near Gath Forthnír. Delivery of the items should be made to Areneth at the hidden Ranger-outpost.


[47] Tinúriel at Echad Dúnann has requested that a collection of jewelled sword sheaths be delivered to her.

[48] Maegamiel at Echad Mirobel has requested that jewelled sword sheaths be delivered to her at the Elf-ruins in the southern reaches of Eregion.

[49] The Rangers at Gath Forthnír await a delivery of jewelled sword sheaths to be made to Areneth.

Objective 1

[47] * Collect jewelled sword sheath (0/10) You have accepted a task to deliver jewelled sword sheaths from the Men and half-orcs found near Echad Dúnann to the Elf-maid Tinúriel. Tinúriel can be found in Echad Dúnann.

[48] * Collect jewelled sword sheath (0/10) You have accepted a task to deliver jewelled sword sheaths taken from the enemies of the Free Peoples to Maegamiel. Maegamiel defends Echad Mirobel in the southern area of Eregion.

[49] * Collect jewelled sword sheath (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver jewelled sword sheaths from the intelligent creatures near near Gath Forthnír to Areneth at the hidden Ranger-camp.