Quest:Task: Pure Black Skin
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Type | Solo |
Repeatable | Yes |
Starts with | Tasks Bulletin Board |
Quest Group | Task |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue[41] Wanted: Pure black skin from the worms surrounding Tyrn Lhuig. Delivery of the items should be made to Othran at the base of the hilltop outpost. [43] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts and cave-claws surrounding Aughaire. Deliver the items to Raith at Aughaire in the southwestern reaches of Angmar. [43] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts surrounding the outpost at Kauppa-kohta. Deliver the items to Santtu at Kauppa-kohta. [44] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts in the eastern reaches of the Misty Mountains. You can deliver these items to Afwald within the ruins at Hrimbarg in the Misty Mountains. [44] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts and worms surrounding the encampment at Pynti-peldot. Deliver the items to Lauri, one of the Lossoth-scouts at the encampment in Forochel. [45] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts and worms surrounding Sûri-kylä. Deliver the items to Kaleva at the Lossoth capital. [45] Wanted: Pure black skin from the beasts and worms surrounding the dwarf-home of Zigilgund. Deliver the items to Fotri, overseer of the settlement. [46] Wanted: Pure black skin from the worms surrounding Gabilshathûr. Delivery of the items should be made to Avar at the dwarf-outpost. Background[41] The hunters at Tyrn Lhuig expect a delivery of pure black skin to be made to Othran, one of their number at the bottom of their hillside outpost. [43] The Hillmen at Aughaire have requested a collection of pure black skin to be delivered to Raith. [43] Santtu at the Lossoth outpost of Kauppa-kohta awaits a delivery of pure black skin. [44] Afwald, the provisioner at the dwarf-ruin of Hrimbarg, awaits the return of pure black skins. [44] The Lossoth-scout Lauri at Pynti-peldot awaits the delivery of pure black skin. [45] A Lossoth, Kaleva, Sûri-kylä is collecting pure black skin at the Lossoth capital. [45] Fotri, overseer of the dwarves of Forochel, awaits the delivery of pure black skin at the dwarf-home of Zigilgund. [46] The dwarves at Gabilshathûr await a delivery of pure black skin to be made to Avar. Objective 1[41] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the worms surrounding Tyrn Lhuig to Othran at the bottom of the hillside outpost. [43] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from beasts and cave-claws surrounding Aughaire to Raith, a Hillman within the settlement. [43] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the beasts in the woods surrounding Kauppa-kohta to Santtu, a Lossoth watching over the outpost. [44] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to deliver pure black skin from the beasts found in the eastern reaches of the Misty Mountains to Afwald. Afwald can be found within the ruins at Hrimbarg, also found in the Misty Mountains. [44] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the beasts and worms surrounding the encampment of Pynti-peldot to Lauri, a Lossoth-scout. [45] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the beasts and worms surrounding Sûri-kylä in Forochel. The items are to be delivered to Kaleva at the Lossoth capital. [45] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the worms and beasts in the areas surrounding Zigilgund in Forochel. The items are to be delivered to the dwarf-overseer Fotri encamped at the dwarf-home. [46] * Collect pure black skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect and deliver pure black skin from the worms surrounding Gabilshathûr to Avar at the dwarf-outpost.