NPC Minstrel Trainer

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This page is used by all Minstrel Trainer NPCs.

See Class Trainer for more information.
Name Settlement Region
Tolman Gardner Archet Bree-land
Burt Nine-tales The Prancing Pony, Bree Bree-land
Minstrel Trainer Training Hall, Bree Bree-land
Marjorie Wainwright Combe Bree-land
Minstrel Trainer Galtrev Dunland
Balchelos Harndirion Enedwaith
Melthindir Celondim Ered Luin
Dourhand (Intro) Frerin's Court Ered Luin
Galfi Gondamon Ered Luin
Thalchyl (Intro) Thorin's Gate Ered Luin
Reykur Hall of Kings, Thorin's Hall Ered Luin
Ganneldúr Echad Mirobel Eregion
Nírthathar Tinnudir Evendim
Burgthryth Jänis-leiri Forochel
Ulla Sûri-kylä Forochel
Tondalas Caras Galadhon Lothlórien
Tathoron Ost Galadh Mirkwood
Hróthi The Twenty-first Hall Moria
Brecon Ox-clan Merchant Camp Nan Curunír
Gelirwen Esteldín Central Courtyard North Downs
Minstrel Trainer Lhan Garan Swanfleet
Ardo Aleford Michel Delving The Shire
Bailinn The Last Homely House Trollshaws
Trainer Harwick Barracks The Wold
Trainer Forlaw Training Hall Wildermore
Trainer Snowbourn East Rohan
Trainer Aldburg West Rohan
Trainer Dol Amroth Western Gondor
Trainer Arnach Eastern Gondor
Trainer Minas Tirith Old Anórien
Trainer Pelargir King's Gondor
As of update 21.3 there are no Class Trainers beyond Minas Tirith in Gondor

Quest Involvement


Item Cost
 Melodies of the Valar 189 Silver60 Copper
 The Rising Chord 189 Silver60 Copper
 Valour's Marches 189 Silver60 Copper
 Blank Mentor Manual 500 Silver
Cook Recipes
 Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety Recipe Silver52 Copper
 Lute Strings of Subtlety Recipe Silver76 Copper
 Lute Strings of Greater Subtlety Recipe Silver52 Copper
Instruments & Strings
 Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety Silver
 Simple Lute Silver
Scholar Recipes
 Journeyman Sheet Music Recipe Silver
 Expert Sheet Music Recipe 11 Silver
 Artisan Sheet Music Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Master Sheet Music Recipe 22 Silver