NPC Burglar Trainer

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This page is used by all Burglar Trainer NPCs.

See Class Trainer for more information.

Name Settlement Region
Fastred Burrows Archet Bree-land
Timbadel Edhelion Watch Ered Luin
Albra Lowbanks Bree Bree-land
Malvoth Gondamon Ered Luin
Burglar Trainer Lhan Garan Swanfleet
Burglar Trainer Training Hall (Bree) Bree-land
Jennet Brockhouse Combe Bree-land
Burglar Trainer Galtrev Dunland
Faeron Harndirion Enedwaith
Falco Broadhouse Celondim Ered Luin
Petula Barley Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall Ered Luin
Herward Took Nan Sirannon Eregion
Dreda Penney Tinnudir Evendim
Kalervo Sûri-kylä Forochel
Warstang Zigilgund Forochel
Laechenn Caras Galadhon Lothlórien
Tobias Took Ost Galadh Mirkwood
Swethic The Twenty-first Hall Moria
Seirian Ox-clan Merchant Camp Nan Curunír
Celsia 'Lightfinger' Gosling Esteldín Central Courtyard North Downs
Lilabet Roper Michel Delving The Shire
Elmo Brown The Last Homely House Trollshaws
Trainer Harwick Barracks The Wold
Trainer Forlaw Training Hall Wildermore
Trainer Snowbourn East Rohan
Trainer Aldburg West Rohan
Trainer Dol Amroth Western Gondor
Trainer Arnach Eastern Gondor
Trainer Minas Tirith Old Anórien
Trainer Pelargir King's Gondor

Quest Involvement


Item Cost
 Burglar -- The Gambler Silver28 Copper
 Knee-breaker's Manual 189 Silver60 Copper
 The Book of Knives 189 Silver60 Copper
 The Expert's Guide to Dirty Fighting 189 Silver60 Copper
Burglar Tools
 Crude Burglar Tools Silver
 Conviction Signal Silver52 Copper
 Guile Signal Silver52 Copper
 Strength Signal Silver52 Copper
 Tactics Signal Silver52 Copper
Tailor Recipes
 Artisan Conviction Signal Recipe 15 Silver
 Artisan Guile Signal Recipe 15 Silver
 Artisan Strength Signal Recipe 15 Silver
 Artisan Tactics Signal Recipe 15 Silver
 Conviction Signal Recipe 20 Silver
 Guile Signal Recipe 20 Silver
 Strength Signal Recipe 20 Silver
 Tactics Signal Recipe 20 Silver
Weaponsmith Recipes
 Barrow-iron Caltrops Recipe Silver
 Barrow-iron Marbles Recipe Silver
 Rich-iron Caltrops Recipe 11 Silver
 Rich-iron Marbles Recipe 11 Silver
 Dwarf-craft Throwing Hatchet Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Dwarf-iron Caltrops Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Dwarf-iron Marbles Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Ancient-iron Caltrops Recipe 22 Silver
 Ancient-iron Marbles Recipe 22 Silver
 Ancient Steel Serrated Knife Recipe 20 Silver
 Ancient Steel Throwing Hatchet Recipe 22 Silver