NPC Rune-keeper Trainer

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This page is used by all Rune-keeper Trainer NPCs.

See Class Trainer for more information.
Name Settlement Region
Biarn Bree Bree-land
Rune-keeper Trainer Training Hall (Bree) Bree-land
Teithadir Combe Bree-land
Rune-keeper Trainer Galtrev Dunland
Demúr Harndirion Enedwaith
Althrendir Celondim Ered Luin
Relorimel Gondamon Ered Luin
Borin Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall Ered Luin
Dourhand (Intro) Frerin's Court Ered Luin
Lennasthrieln (Intro) Edhelion Watch Ered Luin
Certhíril Barad Morlas Eregion
Selarfrin Tinnudir Evendim
Ciryalen Sûri-kylä Forochel
Narbes Caras Galadhon Lothlórien
Bariel Ost Galadh Mirkwood
Samling The Twenty-first Hall Moria
Goronwy Ox-clan Merchant Camp Nan Curunír
Merenas Esteldín Central Courtyard North Downs
Rune-keeper Trainer Lhan Garan Swanfleet
Gerenr Michel Delving The Shire
Cerebthos The Last Homely House Trollshaws
Trainer Harwick Barracks The Wold
Trainer Forlaw Training Hall Wildermore
Trainer Snowbourn East Rohan
Trainer Aldburg West Rohan
Trainer Dol Amroth Western Gondor
Trainer Arnach Eastern Gondor
Trainer Minas Tirith Old Anórien
Trainer Pelargir King's Gondor

Quest Involvement


Item Cost
 Golu o Maeth 189 Silver60 Copper
 Thunder and Flame 189 Silver60 Copper
 Whispers in the Dark 189 Silver60 Copper
Metalsmith Recipes
 Amateur's Chisel Recipe Silver
 Amateur's Riffler Recipe Silver
 Student's Chisel Recipe 11 Silver
 Student's Riffler Recipe 11 Silver
 Scholar's Chisel Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Scholar's Riffler Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Master's Chisel Recipe 22 Silver
 Master's Riffler Recipe 22 Silver
 Basic Rune-satchel of Dagor Silver
 Basic Rune-satchel of Nestad Silver
 Basic Rune-satchel of Thalas Silver
Scholar Recipes
 Grey Enamel Recipe Silver
 Silver Inlay Recipe Silver
 Blue Enamel Recipe 11 Silver
 Gold Inlay Recipe 11 Silver
 Platinum Inlay Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Yellow Enamel Recipe 16 Silver52 Copper
 Ancient Silver Inlay Recipe 22 Silver
 Red Enamel Recipe 22 Silver
Tailor Recipes
 Student's Rune-satchel of Dagor Recipe Silver
 Student's Rune-satchel of Nestad Recipe Silver
 Student's Rune-satchel of Thalas Recipe Silver
 Scholar's Rune-satchel of Dagor Recipe 10 Silver
 Scholar's Rune-satchel of Nestad Recipe 10 Silver
 Scholar's Rune-satchel of Thalas Recipe 10 Silver
 Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor Recipe 15 Silver
 Master's Rune-satchel of Nestad Recipe 15 Silver
 Master's Rune-satchel of Thalas Recipe 15 Silver
 Simple Chisel Silver
 Simple Riffler Silver
Woodworker Recipes
 Journeyman Nestad Infused Parchment Recipe Silver
 Expert Dagor Infused Parchment Recipe 10 Silver
 Expert Nestad Infused Parchment Recipe 10 Silver
 Artisan Dagor Infused Parchment Recipe 15 Silver
 Artisan Nestad Infused Parchment Recipe 15 Silver
 Master Dagor Infused Parchment Recipe 20 Silver
 Master Nestad Infused Parchment Recipe 20 Silver