User talk:Grimfrithgar

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Signed: Magill on Oct 12 2017, 01:10 UTC 

Resource instance quests

Thanks for updating the information about the Lang Ruhven quests in Slag Hills and Dagorlad.

(It looks like you and I are the only two editors who have worked the areas.)

Finding out what content is necessary to unlock the two resource dungeons - both solo and fellowship - and what materials and etc. are available is difficult.

If you have anything you can add to or correct in the sections

Please do so!

Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 16:28, 12 June 2017 (UTC)

Name/content of this category?

Shouldn't the content of this page rather be part of Category:Mordor: Stockpiles of Gorgoroth Quests, since that is the name of the category in the Quest Log in-game?
I have completed pretty much all quests of the expansion, and I have no category called "Allegiance: Resources of Mordor" in my quest log. Not sure if they changed name from beta, or if the name of this category is made up from elsewhere.
I can confirm that the content of Category:Mordor: Stockpiles of Gorgoroth Quests is correct (well, obviously, since I added it myself).

(Grimfrithgar (talk) 19:48, 11 October 2017 (UTC))

Looking at the history of these quests -- it would appear that the basic framework of the quests came from the Beta, and as I recall, the resource dungeons were not available -- at least when I was trying them out. i.e. nobody had yet figured out how to unlock them.
I was going through and linking a variety of "Uncategorized categories" from the Special Pages. This particular category is created automatically by the " questchain" parameter, and I note that these quests are incomplete and date from the Beta.
I've changed the questchain parameter on them and deleted the other category.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 13:23, 12 October 2017 (UTC)