User talk:Faratalath

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So here's where the user page can be discussed...

Site trouble

FYI - User: Lotroadmin has been forcing the image (File:) section to purge its cache and re-initialize the various items to get rid of the "weird image" effects on some items added in the recent past. Hopefully, that is done now.

Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 06:23, 6 March 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the headsup! I noticed I'm not getting any failed database queries anymore. So far, so good, I'll try to upload the image I tried yesterday and see if that works. Is this a general problem or did I cause any of itby signing up and probably making editing and upload mistakes all over the place? ;) Faratalath (talk) 09:54, 6 March 2014 (UTC)

Nope, not your appearance. :) Several of the founding members of the Wiki are from the Netherlands! User: Ravanel being one who comes immediately to mind.
We had an issue related to a MediaWiki upgrade back in roughly November. Image files were "dropping bits." (sounds good and technical -- we never did find out what was the REAL problem.) see: User_talk:Lotroadmin#Image_issues for more explicit info.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 21:03, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Explosive Arrow icon

Hi there! I saw your confusement ("confusion" in English, but I like your version better!) over on File:Explosive Arrow-icon.png and deleted the older revisions so only the icon with the arrow (not the old archer one) is showing. Sometimes when you upload a new picture, the wiki will stubbornly keep insisting that the old one is there and you need to wait a little while for it to catch up to reality. Also, if the icon for the trait and the skill are the same, we will probably just use the same picture for both (instead of uploading one at "Explosive Arrow-icon.png" and another at "Explosive Arrow (Trait)-icon.png"). We used to have separate icons for everything but realized it made no sense at all and just wasted space.

Thanks for your hard work even when things behave in weird ways, and welcome aboard. :) Sethladan 15:15, 8 March 2014 (UTC)

Confusement is not a word? :O Ah well I'll use confuzzled then ^^ Thanks for the information, I'll be patient. The skill has been uploaded and I'll start working on the traits later this week as soon as skills and deeds are finished. By the way, on the forums Hoarsedev (I think) said that they'd be looking into the various icons that are used twice or more for different situations - so if later on the icon for the trait would change, would that be a problem for us when we're using only 1 version right now?
Faratalath (talk) 15:21, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
That won't be a problem, don't worry. :) We can easily upload different icons if they add new ones and then tell the Trait (or Skill or whatever) template where to look for the correct version. But it's good to know in advance that things might change! (well, they always change, thank you Turbine). Sethladan 15:51, 8 March 2014 (UTC)

Piercing Trap... moved. Go ahead and add the skill whenever you like. :) Sethladan 21:48, 8 March 2014 (UTC)

/done, and I (think) the effect is the way it should be right now as well. Thanks! Faratalath (talk) 22:50, 8 March 2014 (UTC)

Question about updating traits

I was wondering about this. I'm planning to update the hunter traits this week. If the trait is completely new, I'll simply add it (calling it xxx (Trait) if there's a skill that has the same name, otherwise simply xxx), but if the trait has been around pre-HD, can I simply edit that trait, delete all current data, copy/paste the new trait template information and fill that in, and save it? Or should I ask for that trait to be deleted and make a new page? I'm not sure whether the template works as it should when I'm not using it when creating a new page... Oh and yes, if I want to ask a question (such as this one) in general, should I simply post it here on my own talk page, or should I post it on one of the other editor/administrator/bureaucrat talkpages?

Faratalath (talk) 22:02, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
Call it xxx (Trait) if a skill already exists. If pre-HD and the trait is an old version, edit the trait. Starbursty (talk) 22:29, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
Also, if you ask a general question on your talk page and you find no response, feel free to post it on one of the editor's talk page! Starbursty (talk) 22:32, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
NAMING: I recommend that all trait pages be named "XXX (Trait)." There are many usages from the past which were based on "rules" that Turbine no longer follows (if they ever did). Consistency is NOT one of Turbine's strong points.
Also see the "header" of the Boilerplates for Skill/Deed/Effect/Trait -- all should describe the same naming convention.
Keep in mind that there are very few Deeds, Effects or Traits with "intentionally unique" names. Most all related items use the same name as a matching skill. Frequently, Turbine will "correct" naming errors during updates based on bug reports submitted during beta testing. Such changes never make it into the release notes. Sigh.
Naming Pattern:
Skill - if same name: gets name without suffix
Deed - if same name: <name> (Deed)
Effect - if same name: <name> (Effect)
Trait - if same name: <name> (Trait)
EDITING EXIStING PAGES: If you edit a trait page, pay attention to the "| disambigpage" -- it should always EXACTLY MATCH the actual page name seen at the top of the page.
However, the "| name" parameter is what will display in the pop-up tool tip. So, most Traits should have an actual page name and a "| disambigpage" of xxx( trait), while the "| name" will only be xxx.
COPY PASTING: The best technique here is to use the "Create new xxx" and create a dummy page called "test" (or whatever). Copy the Text from THAT page into the old page, and then simply delete "test" (close the browser tab or window) without ever saving it. This assures that you get the latest and greatest content of the Template -- cause frequently the Templates get changed but the Boilerplate and Doc pages do not! That also saves you from having to blank out all the unused lines. Deleting an old page and creating a new page with the same name can be confusing because the "WIKI remembers!" and asks if you want to restore the old page! You would simply ignore the request to restore and create the page over again, but it can be intimidating when first encountered.
Messing up the Wiki: You really can't. MediWiki technology allows for "deleting" and "rolling-back" any update. And there are a number of "senior" (read long-time) editors who "patrol" edits, especially by new editors, looking for problems. You can always use the links in the left column -- "Recent Changes" and "Recent Discussions" to see who is doing what.
WHERE to post questions? Any time the question is "specific" it should always be posted to the Talk page of that "specific," especially if you are provoking a discussion with your question. This helps future editors understand what changes have been made and why. General questions can go pretty much anywhere.
"Talk:Lotro-Wiki Contributors' Corner" has traditionally been the place for general discussions, but has become less used of late. Your talk page and the pages of other editors are always "fair game" -- and generally speaking will be seen and responded to in fairly short order.
  • Keep in mind. If you have registered with an Email address in your Preferences (under email options) and you check the box "Email me when my user talk page is changed" you will get an email, once a day as I recall, any time your User Talk page is updated. If you have checked "Enable email from other users," when someone visits your User page they will find "Email this user" under "Tools" in the left margin.
  • Remember -- always use "Add Topic" when on a Talk Page (at the very top) and starting a new topic. (Or you can simply use the header, "== words ==" if you forget.
  • Remember to sign your post with 4 tildes.
  • Remember to "indent" your response to someone else's comments.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 00:42, 11 March 2014 (UTC)


  • Thanks for your updates to the collection of information!
The Wiki is successful because of dedicated fans like yourself.
You have been promoted - see: Ninja.
  • Tip: when creating a new page, use the Article Management Tag: {{Stub/Construction|[[{{User Talk Faratalath]]}}
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 00:45, 11 March 2014 (UTC)

Your Reversion of edits to Template: Creature/Doc

I don't know what your intention was by your reversion of Template: Creature/doc content, however it resulted in the loss of a significant amount of information covering almost a year in time, which is still correct.
I have "undone" your edit.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 01:24, 16 March 2014 (UTC)
Oh.. I honestly do not know why I did that. I did not do it intentionally at least - as far as I can recall, I was watching the Bullroarer stream at that time. My browsing history does confirm my change but it's rather random, not searching for new pages in an hour, suddenly that change, and then again no new pages for an hour. I can't recall this at all.. I'm sorry, what exactly has been lost? Anything I can do to get it back?
Faratalath (talk) 09:38, 16 March 2014 (UTC)
I already "undid" your "rollback" -- both are options on the "View History".
I suspect that you were on a page reading it and had the cat walk across the keyboard! -- I have two persians who are constantly causing me to "fix" their editing! It is also not "unusual" to generate a mouse click when you are not paying attention to which window has your "mouse focus" - you think you are in one window when in reality you are in another -- so a "click" doesn't do anything, you wiggle the mouse to change the "focus" and click again.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 16:03, 16 March 2014 (UTC)

Work on Hunter

Righty, so far I've done a bit of Hunter updates here and there. All traits are now in correctly, the Hunter Traits page shows the correct list. (more info on my Hunter sandbox list). A few questions:

  • Is the Guardian_Traits#Trait_Tree and the Burglar_Traits#Trait_Tree the preferred format for Trait Trees? This still needs to be done for the Hunter. If that's the right way to go, I'll get started on that
  • Mounted combat skills: it's a bit unclear for me right now.
On the one hand, there are mounted combat skills that every class has: a few basic war-steed skills (Quick Stop and trait-skills which every class has depending on war-steed type (Bolstering Cry), from the blue and red lines. Should they be listed on the Hunter Skills page?
Next to that,, there are the Hunter class mounted combat skills (Spread of Arrows for instance) which are not in yet. Should these be put under the Mounted Combat header on the Hunter Skills page?
Also, there's a group of class-specific yellow line skills of which a few Hunter skills (Lay Trap) are not in yet. Where should they be put - also under the Mounted Combat header?

Faratalath (talk) 22:32, 26 March 2014 (UTC)


  • Thanks for your updates to the collection of information!
The Wiki is successful because of dedicated fans like yourself.
You have been promoted - see: Editor.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 02:51, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Thanks a lot! I'll have a look what's next after the Hunter overhaul is finished^^
Faratalath (talk) 06:15, 3 April 2014 (UTC)

Misty Mountains

I'm also working on updating the page for MM, might find it useful User:Eteocles/Misty Mountain Quests (Update 13)

Moving and deleting pages

You can easily move and delete pages yourself.

See "Tips for new Editors" above.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 22:41, 13 July 2014 (UTC)