Enchanted River

The Enchanted River, also called the Rhachló[1] (Sindarin for Cursed River) and formerly known as the Lúthir[2] (Sindarin for Flower River), rises in the Mountains of Mirkwood (Emyn-nu-Fuin), and flows northwards in a great loop to meet the Forest River under the canopy of the trees of Mirkwood. Its water is black, and carries a curse that gives the river its name - any person coming into contact with its enchanted water immediately falls into a long, deep sleep.
About halfway along its length, the Enchanted River flows across the Elf-path that leads west to east through Mirkwood to the Elvenking's Halls. Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves found a boat kept on the eastern bank of the river, which they used to cross it on their journey to Erebor. However, Bombur fell in the river and lost consciousness, and his companions had to pull him out and carry him for several days with ropes.
The Enchanted River falls down into Mirkwood from the Mountains of Mirkwood - the Emyn-nu-fuin.
Its sorcerous waters are enchanted with a dark spell, causing lethargy, apathy, confusion, weakness and visual disturbances to those who touch them.
The Enchanted River flows under the haunted ruined elf-city of Caras Tilion.
Far beneath the ruins, the river flows swiftly down the gorge leading into the forest beyond.
The Enchanted River's cursed waters taint the land, twisting and stumping plantlife. The river's dark reach is visible in the canopy of the forest trees.
Though not as deadly as the waters of the Morgulduin, the Enchanted River does have a frightful reputation, corrupting and maddening the local wildlife.
The river is crossed by a bridge carrying the road from the Forest Gate.
In the darkest corners of the river, evil gloomwaters surge, a danger to travelers who come too close.
The Enchanted River eventually meets up with the Forest River coming in from the northwest.
The Enchanted River's sorcerous magic is finally broken by the pure waters of the Forest River.