Lórien Look-out

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Deed Lore

Many flets, where the guards of the Galadhrim keep watch, dot the Golden Wood, ensuring that no enemy can approach unnoticed.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

This is the place where Amroth once had his home, and later, where Aragorn and Arwen first met and fell in love.
Talan Fanuidhol is where the Galadhrim stage their defence against the Orcs of Moria mustering within Fanuidhol.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This is one of many flets guarding the borders of Lothlórien.
This flet overlooks a grove of Melbrethil.
This flet overlooks the nests of many hawks.
Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlórien, and his brothers Rúmil and Orophin make their camp here.


   30 Marks
   <name>, Lórien Look-out
   Increased Reputation with Galadhrim ( 500 )

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 55.
  • This deed contributes to the Great Deeds for Lothlórien meta-deed.
  • The trees with flets are green below their golden boughs on the map of Lothlorien.