User talk:MoorsUpdater
Welcome to LotRO-Wiki! |
![]() Hello, MoorsUpdater, and welcome to LotRO-Wiki, the Lord of the Rings Online Wiki! Some useful pointers:
We hope you enjoy editing here!
Cute account name, and glad to have another hand on deck to do PvMP stuff! It's one of the more underserved areas of the wiki, sadly. If you think of large scale work that needs to be done, consider checking in with Magill as he has a bunch of notes on proposed changes and the like. Cheers, and welcome again. :) Sethladan 22:40, 26 November 2013 (UTC)
- I just noticed you have been working on the Moors -- those pages are horribly out of date. I started doing some work, but then got sidetracked myself, and now have to get a toon up to 90 so I can re-visit the Moors other than via Bullroarer.
- There are (another) a batch of updates coming to the Moors with Update 12.2 (now on Bullroarer). I say "another" because the last batch of changes to the moors never got integrated into the Wiki as far as I know.
- Congratulations! In recognition of your work, you have been promoted to Ninjas.
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- Heh, thanks for the promotion. Obviously the moors needs a lot of updating, and I'm not gonna be able to do it myself. I'm only editing things I come across for the moment and am still considering some of the article revamps. Not to mention some broken links as a result of the Community Site update.
- MoorsUpdater (talk) 21:51, 20 January 2014 (UTC)
Some thoughts on updating the Moors info.
One thing which needs to be documented is "Why bother?"
- add that to this excerpt from a discussion
Again with the Warhammer, lol, but in that we controlled zones.... then we were able to unlock the ability to siege the opposing side's Capital City. What happens here if we control all zones and all ops? Do we get comms? Renown/Infamy? Unlock a delving boss? Get points to spend in our PvMP tree? |
My response was taken from that update above... (It was just cut and pated, so use the previously wikified (and pretty) version.
- This is a question I do not know the answer to TODAY -- however historically, there were multiple benefits to FREEPS (not to Creeps) for controlling locations in the Moors.
- This was one of those things which was never "documented" either Then or Now.
- 1- Individual Location Control -- This is true for Freeps, I have no idea about Creeps:
- Verified Benefits as of U12.3 These buff appear below your character portraits.
- Lugazag Control - Your forces control Lugazag.
- +20% Infamy/Glory and Commendation Gains
- Grimwood Lumber Camp Control - Your forces control the Grimwood Lumber Camp.
- +20% Infamy/Glory and Commendation Gains
- River Outpost Control - Your forces control the River Outpost.
- +3400 Tactical Mastery Rating
- +3400 Physical Mastery Rating
- Coldfells Outpost Control - Your forces control the Coldfells Outpost.
- +3400 Tactical Mastery Rating
- +3400 Physical Mastery Rating
- Arador's End Outpost Control - Your forces control the Arador's End Outpost.
- +3400 Tactical Mastery Rating
- +3400 Physical Mastery Rating
- Tol Ascarnen Control - Your forces control Tol Ascarnen.
- +20% Infamy/Glory and Commendation Gains
- The Gift of Carrock Control - Your forces control The Gift of Carrock.
- -2% Incoming Tactical Damage
- -2% Incoming Melee Damage
- -2% Incoming Ranged Damage
- -2% Power Cost
- Isendeep Mine Control - Your forces control the Isendeep Mine.
- +20% Infamy/Glory and Commendation Gains
- Are all of those benefits additive? I have not had the opportunity to determine. Those are just the "pop-ups" under your portrait, as a Freep.
- 2- Additionally --- Here the explanation comes from old Dev Notes, and I don't know if the "how" is still accurate. However, the benefits still appear "in-game.
- (These bonuses provide players of the Free Peoples with incentive to engage in Monster Play PvMP.)
- Benefits of Control accruing to ALL Free Peoples
- Free Peoples controlling the two Artifacts, Fragment of Mordírith's Crown and The Gift of the Carrock, provides all players within any region of Eriador –
- except instances and the Ettenmoors – with the following bonus:
- A Quiet Calm - A 3% bonus to earned experience.
- When the Free Peoples control Tol Ascarnen in addition to these two artifacts all players within any region of Eriador – except instances and the Ettenmoors – receive the following bonus instead of A Quiet Calm:
- Peace and Quiet - A 5% bonus to earned experience.
- When the Free Peoples control these two artifacts and the Five locations:
- Tol Ascarnen, Tírith Rhaw, Lugazag, Isendeep Mine, and the Grimwood Lumber Camp, all players within any region of Eriador – except instances and the Ettenmoors – receive the following instead of A Quiet Calm and/or Peace and Quiet:
- A 5% reduction in combat related item wear
- +50 Maximum Morale
- When the Free Peoples control these two artifacts and all locations in the Ettenmoors (the abvce listed locations plus the five outposts)
- all players within any region of Eriador – except instances and the Ettenmoors – receive the following instead of A Quiet Calm and/or Peace and Quiet:
- Enhanced Abilities
- A 10% chance of item wear
- +100 Maximum Morale
- +5% Out of Combat Run Speed
3- There are (or were) several different benefits In the Moors, again for Freeps that I know of, associated with possessing certain points --
- Murder Holes
- Burning Oil
- Reienforcements
4- Access to the Delving of Frór was also gated by lanscape control.
Today, (post 12.3) I don't know what the controlling particulars are except for that one batch of locations.
And then I got the following response...
[QUOTE=SabrielofLorien]Most of 1, 2 and 3 are available to creeps today. 4. DoF is not gated on creepside. The Tree and Drake reset @ 1 hour and the Center Boss has longer respawn. (Nim) We can often get the Tree and Drake but unless we have a good number of players we by-pass the Center Boss. The freeps can retake them all in moments, so often "we don't bother" because the numbers mean a "guaranteed grams camp" so we wait for the freeps to PVE everything. So the freeps get all the bonus's and the creeps none. |
* currently, I dissuade players from doing the relics because it's just another delay for the grams camp. Anything red or not freep owned means the freeps are PVEing a lot while we wait. Sometimes even bothering with an OP breaks the action. Sure we get @7 infamy ::: + a few comms per kill but at least they eventually make it to grams. You can almost tell the side-flippers because they will want the relic and all the stuff so when they flip freepside they have PVE quests to turn in. I can make more comms creepside doing PVE turn-ins than I get in an evening of fighting. |
Re: 4 DoF used to be gated but now it's not. While the OPs all have entrances to the underground tunnels there are other entrances not OP controlled. Freeps: EC and OR. Creeps: OC and DG. Any faction can enter/exit any portal but the OR and DG portals can be entered while in-combat. The portals for OPs cannot be entered/exited while in combat. There are occasions that freeps can exit EC while in-combat but afaik that's a bug. OC is a death trap for creeps fighting there, one AOE and your finished. |
Obviously, one additional question is -- Why bother with the Delving of Frór since "Spirit Stones" are no loner in-game (or needed for bartering). Do you get significant Commendations for killing the Mobs there?
And I have no idea what "the Tree and Drake" or "Center Boss" refer to...
There is probably much more, but that represents some information to use as a starting point.
It looks like the updates in 12.3 were pretty insignificant, I thought they were going to be more substantial. There may or may not be more coming in Update 13, around the end of March. I don't know.
I've only got a "few more quests" to add to the main game streams (probably "only" about 50 or 60!) until I can switch to other subjects. At least my Hunter has gotten up to level 91 while filling in the Wiki! But it is a tedious and time-consuming process.
- /walloftext off
- Anyway (:P),
- It's always bugged me that there are no pages for the side-wide buffs you get. Relic buffs, Delving Buffs, Keep Buffs, OP Buffs and the buffs for controlling all points. A quick tally means that there are 18 possible buffs - some only appear in certain combinations etc. As much as I love Rohan, the amount of problems that it caused the Wiki in terms of Moors is colossal. Since Rohan the only real change in the Moors is to add another tree outside of GV (pretty much), apart from the across-the-board CD reductions, which made little sense. I do see a lot of the buffs have been created (something tells me the Keep buffs are just the name of the keep without the 'Control' but I'd need to check the game first and it may have changed since HD). I think, though, rather than the actual details, the priority should be on making sure the guides and help articles are up-to-date. The moors needs more players, and if we can give them up-to-date information about how it all works, they'll be more likely to stay. Some of them are horrendously out of date, and when I first began it confused me a lot.
- PS. There is basically no incentive for the Delving now, except for the +Infamy gain for killing a boss (applies to whole side). The only particular reason I used to use it (before I had maps) was for faster and safer travel. You can also use it for hiding I guess but that doesn't really work...
- MoorsUpdater (talk) 21:44, 16 February 2014 (UTC)
Template games
It looks like a good idea. Here's a couple of recommendations:
- Create a page: [[MoorsUpdate/<template name]] -- as a place to work on it. Keeps all your work in one place and doesn't clutter your user or talk pages.
- Check out Category: Templates (parent of all template categories) -- Category: MP Templates contains a number of "MP" templates. MP= Monster Play.
- the couple "WBM" are War Band Maneuvers.
- I have created a new category -- Category: MP Templates and moveed all of the MB templates I am aware of into that one location. -- Something I was going to do anyway as part of my "Great Documentation Project.
- If you think you are likely to create (or desire) additional Templates for the Moors, put them in that category. The naming convention would be simply to stick "MP-" in front of the similar named template. So this one you are creating would become: "Template: MP-Location" . (Personally, I prefer using the dash instead of a space as a separator because of the way the computer treats spaces. In general, the WIKI converts spaces to underscores in most cases.)
- One thing to keep in mind when you create a template page. It should transclude the page "<template>/doc" which is where the documentation for that template SHOULD reside.
The doc files then all wind up in Category: Template Documentation. I have fixed many templates, but none of the existing MP templates, to use that convention. Sigh, another project.
I'll have to look up the specifics, but I believe that the Orange and Black coloration is defined in the MediaWiki:Common.css Which is another way of saying -- the color scheme should be Orange and Black for MP "stuff" rather than the standard wiki purple. "mptable" I think.
Some old stuff I just ran across
I don't know if any of this is of interest or use -- User:Eleazaros/Sandbox --- He was one of the early contributors to the Wiki and did quite a bit of template work.
U13 Update to the Moors
Answered your question at Lotro-Wiki.com_talk:Monster_Play#U13_-_update_to_the_Moors
U14 Moors barter NPC updates
- See: User_talk:Tharondir#U14_Moors_barter_NPC_updates
- Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 16:33, 18 August 2014 (UTC)