The Great River Quests

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Thinglad (70)

  1. [70] Disturbances in Thinglad - Noriel
  2. [70] A Missing Intruder - Wynmar
  3. [70] Neighbours Meet - Dunstan
  4. [70] A Reasonable Request
  5. [70] A Gift of Warmth in Winter - Renfaer
  6. [70] Scouts on the Move - Wynmar
  7. [70] Brace Yourselves - Rothulf
  8. [70] The Orcs Attack - Rothulf
  9. [70] A Loss Unlooked-for - Rothulf
  10. [70] To Stangard - Noriel -- Vector to Stangard


Epic Quests

  1. [75] Vol. III, Book 6: Chapter 6: Downriver Dangers
  2. [75] Vol. III, Book 6: Chapter 7: Enemies of Old

Eorlsmead (71-72)

  1. [71] Hospitality in a Strange Land - Sabert - Vector from Thinglad
  2. [71] The Troubles of Stangard - Stanric
  3. [71] A Logical Appeal - Gadda
  4. [71] Whispered Permission - Gadda
  5. [71] Continuing Good Deeds for Stangard - Gadda
  6. [71] Stanric's Stand - Gadda
  7. [71] The Stone of Friendship - Gadda - vector to Wailing Hills
  8. [72] Change for the Worst - Sabert - Vector from Wailing Hills -- Vector to the abandoned farm
  9. [72] The Man on the Inside - Gadda
  10. [72] Proof of Treason - Swithulf
  11. [72] Evidence of Foulplay - Swithulf
  12. [72] The Story Behind the Death - Gadda
  13. [72] An Investigation - Sabert
  14. [72] A Daring Escape - Stanric
  15. [73] A Troubling Delay -- Stanric - Vector to Parth Celebrant

Epic Quests

  1. [75] Vol. III, Book 6: Chapter 7: Enemies of Old
  2. [75] Vol. III, Book 6: Chapter 8: Stone of Friendship

Wailing Hills (71-72)

  1. [71] The Stone of Friendship - Gadda -- vector from Stangard
  2. [71] A Company Divided - Lanbert
  3. [71] Revealing the Truth - Odda
  4. [71] A Prisoner to Stangard - Strong Rope
  5. [72] In the Shadow of the Stone - Gadda
  6. [72] Pressing Onward - Penda - (unlocks after completing The Abandoned Camp)
  7. [71] Finding Meneldor - Landroval
  8. [71] A Message From Stangard - Landroval -- vector to Stangard

Parth Celebrant (73)

  1. [73] Delayed Supplies - Brifard
  2. [73] Back on Task - Brifard - (unlocks after completing An Unnatural Hunger)
  3. [73] A Mystery Deferred - Brifard
  4. [73] A Matter of Honour - Idmar
  5. [73] The Cost of Loyalty - Doron
  6. [73] A Message Unsent - Doron
  7. [73] Bearing the Guilt - Cabed
  8. [73] The Point of It All - Cabed
  9. [73] The Battle of Ost Celebrant - Doron
    1. [73] An Omen from the East - Doron
  10. [74] Shady Dealings - Idmar -- vector to Aculf's Camp in the Rushgore

Rushgore (74)

  1. [74] Shady Dealings - Idmar
  2. [74] Woodmen Astray - Amal
  3. [74] Warn the Horse-lords - Amal
  4. [75] The Khundolar - Aculf -- vector to Céola in Etheburg, Brown Lands

Epic Quests

  1. [75] Vol. III, Book 6: Chapter 10: The Falling Shadow

Brown Lands (75)

Warning! Some players have experienced a block in completion of "A Black Wind from the East," the parent quest "Trouble Enough," as well as all other quests following in this quest line if the player visits the Brigand Cave of Helstor and kills Hafoc. A quest starter item called a Turncoat's Note will be found on Hafoc when looted. If you turn in the note to Ceola before completing "Trouble Enough" (including "A Black Wind from the East") Dagbert will be found as a traitor and he will disappear from the camp. If this occurs you will not be able to complete "A Black Wind from the East" as well as the parent quest "Trouble Enough," nor will you be able to complete that specific quest line.

  • After being exposed as a traitor in Sellswords and Turncoats, Dagbert will disappear from Etheburg (having fled capture).
  • Alternate versions of his quests will be offered by Céola.
  • Players will encounter him again, however - as the Captain of the First Ward in the Khundolar camp of Lashkarg, during the instance A Sunset Storm.

  1. [75] The Khundolar - Aculf - vector from the Brown Lands

Limlight Gorge (75)

The Limlight Gorge area is designed as a 3 or 6 person fellowship area, and all creatures in the area are level 75 Elite Master or Nemesis. There are multiple entry points to the three quest strings here. The vector quests sending you to the different quest hubs can also be taken and turned in at that specific quest hub, though the quest text will be a bit different.

Stangard at the west gate:

Limlight Gatehouse:

  • [75] The Prospector's Shack - Agelbrit - Small Fellowship - (can also be picked up and turned in at The Prospector's Shack) - Vector to The Prospector's Shack.
  • [75] Forest Roots - Agelbrit - Small Fellowship - (can also be picked up and turned in at Limlight Glade) - Vector to Limlight Glade.
  • [75] The Limlight Mill - Agelbrit - Small Fellowship - (unlocked after completing The Limlight Gorge) - (can also be picked up and turned in at the Old Sawmill) - Vector to the Old Sawmill.

Old Sawmill:

  1. [75] A Tangled Mess - Armund - Small Fellowship

The Prospector's Shack:

  1. [75] Poor Prospects: Wandering Menace - Fellowship - (unlocked after completing The Prospector's Shack)
  2. [75] Poor Prospects: The Belly of the Beast - Fellowship - (unlocked after completing Poor Prospects: Wandering Menace)
  3. [75] Poor Prospects: Sampling the Pain - Fellowship - Fellowship - (unlocked after completing Poor Prospects: The Belly of the Beast)
  4. [75] Keeping Them at Bay - Agelbrit - Small Fellowship - (unlocked after completing Poor Prospects: Sampling the Pain) - Repeatable

Limlight Glade:


The tasks acquired in the Great River region can be turned in to any Tasks Bulletin Board in the region.

The tasks: