Quest:The Man on the Inside

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The Man on the Inside
Level 72
Type Solo
Starts with Gadda
Starts at The Abandoned Farm
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [29.5S, 60.1W]
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The tower near here has long been under the control of men I do not consider trustworthy. I have seen many carts of goods enter full and leave empty...things I believe intended for Stangard.

'A few weeks ago, a longstanding friend of mine was enlisted to join them. Would you be so good as to find out what he knows? I fear to approach the tower, for I am wanted for treason at Stangard.

'My friend's name is Swithulf.'


Gadda has a longstanding friendship with a guard at the tower near the abandoned farm.

Objective 1

Swithulf is at the tower near the farmstead.

Gadda wants you to speak with his friend Swithulf and learn what transpires at the tower.

Gadda: 'The men at the tower have long made me suspicious.'
Swithulf: 'You are a friend of Gadda? That is well. I do not feel any kindness towards the happenings surrounding this place, nor towards the men who serve here.'