Quest:A Better Future

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A Better Future
Level 72
Type Solo
Starts with Tatwine
Starts at The Abandoned Farm
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [29.5S, 60.0W]
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Do you see, <name>? I have freed myself from Stangard, and now your efforts will not have been in vain.

'I am a farmer in my heart, and this is where I belong. I do not know if I will ever return to Stangard, but men in Eorlsmead who want for food need only ask. It has been far too long since crops were grown in these stark lands.

'Would you care to tend the farm for a while? I find it very tranquil work.'


Gadda and Tatwine have set up their new free settlement on the farmstead where you planted seeds not long ago.

Objective 1

  • Harvest the crops from the seeds you planted (0/5)
  • Collect eggs (0/5)
  • Pull weeds (0/5)

Tatwine, happy with his new position as a free man maintaining the farming work you started, has invited you to join him in his maintenance of the farm.

You should help Tatwine with the farm chores.

Objective 2

  • Return to Tatwine

Tatwine is tending the fields at the abandoned farm.

You should return to Tatwine with the goods you gathered.

Tatwine: 'I cannot thank you enough for inspiring me to do this, <name>. No matter what the consequences for my leaving Stangard, I believe that this is right. What you did for us...was right.'