Quest:Spawning Evil

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Spawning Evil
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Sabert
Starts at Stangard
Start Region Stangard
Map Ref [25.7S, 62.8W]
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The worms of northern Eorlsmead have been spawning unchecked for months uncounted, and without intervention, they will only continue to grow in number.

'Their eggs must be destroyed if we have any hope in checking the size of future populations of these vile creatures.'


Worms have completely taken over a northern stretch of Eorlsmead, and they have been spawning without any intervention at all.

Objective 1

Worm-eggs can be found throughout the Teeming Nests.

You should destroy worm-eggs in the Teeming Nests to slow the rate of spawn of the vile worms in Eorlsmead.

Sabert: 'I worry that without anyone to check the rate of their spawn, the worms will consume Eorlsmead in no time.'

Objective 2

  • Return to Sabert

Sabert awaits you at the front gate of Stangard.

You should return to Sabert.

Sabert: 'You are indeed a great boon to Stangard, <name>. I cannot thank you enough!'