Quest:Ousting the Oathbreakers

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Ousting the Oathbreakers
Level 73
Type Solo
Starts with Doron
Starts at Ost Celebrant
Start Region Great River
Quest Group Parth Celebrant
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Look around you, <name>. Do you see my men lurking among the ruins?

'There was a time when I would have battled beside each of these men and treated him as a brother. However, they were all too quick to accept the freedom our betrayal offered. What we did not only freed us from death, but also granted us great riches from the East. Riches...that revealed our treachery.

'No hope remains for these men. They have embraced their avarice, and I doubt that any among them desire to redeem themselves. Please, <name>, send them to rest.'


Doron has observed his brethren in league with the brigands and the mysterious Easterling presence in Ost Celebrant and demands that you return them to rest, if only for a time.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Oathbreakers in Ost Celebrant (0/12)

Treacherous Oathbreakers can be found throughout Ost Celebrant.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Doron

Doron is within Ost Celebrant. If he has left your side, call him with your horn.

Doron: 'It pains me to see my men like this, mad with greed and blind to their condition. You have freed them from their folly, if only for the moment.
'For this, I thank you.'