Quest:Kicking a Stone

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Kicking a Stone
Level 75
Type Solo
Starts with Gnarlstump
Starts at Brown Lands
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [32.5S, 48.4W]
Quest Group Brown Lands
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ta-room, ta-rum, little <race>! If we cannot move the trolls out by force, perhaps they will depart if their chieftain is slain.

'There have been whispers on the winds of a great wild troll named Gozug, who dwells in the Stone-hole. Would you enter that foul cave and defeat him? Perhaps then the trolls shall depart this place.'


Gnarlstump is angered by the presence of trolls in the Brown Lands, especially the desolation of the Entwives' gardens, and wishes them removed.

Objective 1

Gozug can be found deep within the troll-infested Stone-hole, north of Gnarlstump's camp.

Gnarlstump has asked you to defeat Gozug, chieftain of the wild trolls of the Brown Lands.

Gnarlstump: 'Defeat Gozug, and it may be that the trolls will leave this place.'
Defeated Gozug

Objective 2

Gnarlstump is at his camp, south of the Stone-hole.

You should return to Gnarlstump with news of your victory.

Gnarlstump: 'Ah, this was a good deed, little <race>. Trolls are a bad lot, to be certain. Ta-rum!'