Public Dungeons

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Public dungeons are public instances, caves, fortresses, castles, crypts, any area separate from the outside game world and full of creatures. These instances are shared by all individuals and fellowships and are not scalable. You will frequently meet other players in these dungeons.

Some dungeons exist specifically as part of one or more quests, and others for reputation or Resource collection (Resource Instances), but all can be entered without needing specific quests by anyone. Frequently a Quest will be bestowed upon entry.

Public dungeons do not appear in the Instance Finder. Note that most of the Hytbold and Wildermore Daily quests are public instance dungeons.

This is a category for all Public Dungeons.

Public Dungeons

[hide][hide]Name Region Level Note
The Haunted Burrow The Shire 1 - 150 Harvest Festival
The Taste of Hobbiton The Shire 1 - 150 Summer Festival
Mirkstone Tunnels Ered Luin 4 - 6
Rockbelly Pit Ered Luin 4 - 6
Sprigley's Cellar Bree-land 7 - 9 First newbie dungeon in Archet
The Quarry The Shire 12 - 13 Used mainly for a quest in the The Shire Epic line.
Haudh Iarchith
Haudh Methernil
Haudh Nogbenn
Haudh Taenthond
The Barrow of Ringdor
The Barrow of Taradan
Bree-land 20 - 25 Part of Haudh Iarchith (F2P)
Iorvinas Lone-lands 24 - 27
Etten Caves North Downs 30 - 33 Quests from Lin Giliath.
Vault of Celebrían's Legacy Trollshaws 35 - 36 Used for the quest The Riddle-master
Haudh Arantar
Haudh Eldacar
Haudh Eärendur
Haudh Valandur
Evendim 38 various quests in Men Erain
Trollshaws 39 - 40 Troll caves for Book 4 Chapter 5. Also used for the Troll deed.
Bûrzum Pushdug
Angmar 43 - 45 Orc caves for Dark Raiders quest line. Mobs drop level-39 Deed/Trait pages for all classes.
Sarnúr Ered Luin 45 - 50 Dourhand stronghold; reputation dungeon for Thorin's Hall.
Goblin-town Misty Mountains 45 Quest hub and reputation dungeon for the Elves of Rivendell.
Peikko Den Forochel 48
Trollshaws 50
Icereave Mines Forochel 50 Dourhand Dwarves
Tomb of Maenadar Bree-land 50 - 55
Laenan Trollshaws 65
Minas Elendúr
Eregion 65
Mor-hai Cave The Great River 73
Pit of Iron Gap of Rohan 74
The Under-wall East Rohan 77 Caverns beneath the East Wall
The Ancient Tomb
East Rohan 78
Byrgenstow East Rohan 81
West Rohan 88
Paths of the Dead
Tingobel Mine
The Dead Marshes
Western Gondor 100
Docks of Dol Amroth Western Gondor 100 for Docks faction quests and Warehouse faction quests
Caverns of Emyn Ernil Western Gondor 100 for Mason faction quests
Tol Fennas Western Gondor 100 for Armoury faction quests and Great Hall faction quests
Great Hall of the Prince Western Gondor 100 for Great Hall faction quests
Library of Saphadzîr Western Gondor 100 for Library faction quests
Tol Aduial Western Gondor 100 for Warehouse faction quests
House of Coins Western Gondor 100 for Bank faction quests
Dol Amroth Armoury Western Gondor 100 for Armoury faction quests
The Swan Knight's Keep Western Gondor 100 for Swan-knights faction quests
Spider Cave
Corsair Cave
Central Gondor 100
High Archives
Dome of Stars
Eastern Gondor 100
Harlond or A Path for Aragorn Eastern Gondor 100 Smiths' Fellowship reputation
North-gate or The North Rammas Old Anórien 100 Builders' Fellowship reputation
Cisterns of Minas Tirith or Breach in the Darkness Old Anórien 100 Burgsmen's Fellowship reputation
Field of Onslaught
Kings' End
Riders' Stand
Ruin of Pel Dúven
Threshold of the City
Old Anórien 105 Battle of Pelennor Fields
Osgiliath Culverts (After Battle) Osgiliath (After Battle) 105
Torngroth North Ithilien 105
Durthang The Plateau of Gorgoroth 106 located in Udûn
Anglach The Plateau of Gorgoroth 106 and 115 located in Udûn
Dungeons of Barad-dûr The Plateau of Gorgoroth 108 and 115 located in Dor Amarth
Tower of Cirith Ungol The Plateau of Gorgoroth 111 located in Lhingris
Kâm Lagúrz, the Brokencleft The Plateau of Gorgoroth 111 located in Lhingris useful for many Allegiance Quests in Lhingris
Naerband The Plateau of Gorgoroth 113 located in Talath Úrui
Nargroth The Plateau of Gorgoroth 113 located in Talath Úrui
Lair of the Gloom-lord The Plateau of Gorgoroth 114 located in Agarnaith
Seregost The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 located in Agarnaith
The Delving of Frór Ettenmoors 150 Large caves beneath the Ettenmoors (PvMP)

Crafting Public Dungeons

These are the Crafting Instances found in Moria, Hytbold, Entwood The Plateau of Gorgoroth, Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath, Morgul Vale, and Gundabad.

[hide][hide]Name Region Level Note
Bult-kâr Moria 53 Forester - T6 resources - Mezer-serej in Zelem-melek
Mekeb-faham Moria 53 Scholar - T6 resources - Hadudbâb in Durin's Way
Tumun-ghâr Moria 53 Prospector - T6 resources - Gharâf-fehem in The Redhorn Lodes
Sejer-tharâkh Moria 57 Forester - T6 resources - Mezer-serej in Zelem-melek
Mekeb-farak Moria 57 Scholar - T6 resources - Hadudbâb in Durin's Way
Fulz-zahar Moria 57 Prospector - T6 resources - Gharâf-fehem in The Redhorn Lodes
Imping Hytbold 84 - 85 Forester resource instance - T8 resources. Must be unlocked by completing The Lumber Mill: Superior Workbench
Iserngraf Hytbold 84 - 85 Prospector resource instance - T8 resources. Must be unlocked by completing The Smithy: Superior Forge
Parphád Hytbold 84 - 85 Scholar resource instance - T8 resources. Must be unlocked by completing The Library: Superior Study
Direnfirel Entwood 95 Forester resource instance - T9 resources. Must be unlocked by completing One Final Kindness.
Stangraf Entwood 95 Prospector resource instance - T9 resources. Must be unlocked by completing One Final Kindness
Gemyndsted Entwood 95 Scholar resource instance - T9 resources. Must be unlocked by completing One Final Kindness
Bones of Barad-dûr The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 Scholar resource instance - T11 resources. Allegiance: Daily Expedition Quests must be unlocked by completing Tales of Gorgoroth.
The Hold of Kála-murg The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 Forester resource instance - T11 resources. Allegiance: Daily Expedition Quests must be unlocked by completing Tales of Gorgoroth.
Road on The Burning Mountain The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 Prospector resource instance - T11 resources. Allegiance: Daily Expedition Quests must be unlocked by completing Tales of Gorgoroth.
The Tower of Durthang The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 Scholar resource instance - T11 resources. Allegiance: Daily Expedition Quests must be unlocked by completing Tales of Gorgoroth.
Trouble at Bhol Rûdh The Plateau of Gorgoroth 115 Forester resource instance - T11 resources. Allegiance: Daily Expedition Quests must be unlocked by completing Tales of Gorgoroth.
Glimmerdeep Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 120 Prospector resource instance - T12 resources. Quest from Stráhek the Stout after The State of the Expedition is completed.
Óinsbridge Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 120 Forester resource instance - T12 resources. Quest from Stráhek the Stout after The State of the Expedition is completed.
Thikil-gundu Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 120 Scholar resource instance - T12 resources. Quest from Stráhek the Stout after The State of the Expedition is completed.
The Withered Heath Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 120 Prospector, Forester and Scholar resource instance - T12 resources. Quest from Stráhek the Stout after The State of the Expedition is completed.
Bâr Nírnaeth Morgul Vale 121-140 Scholar and forester resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
Eithel Gwaur Morgul Vale 121-140 Scholar resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
Gath Daeroval Morgul Vale 121-140 Prospector resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
Ghashan-kútot Morgul Vale 121-140 Scholar resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
Gorthad Nûr Morgul Vale 121-140 Prospector resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
The Harrowing of Morgul Morgul Vale 121-140 Forester resource instance - T13 resources. Requires discovery and completion of Quests of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.
Gloomingtarn Gundabad 140 Prospector resource instance - T14 resources. Quest from Zádokh Flint-eye at 140
Pit of Stonejaws Gundabad 140 Scholar resource instance - T14 resources. Quest from Zádokh Flint-eye at 140
Clovengap Gundabad 140 Forester resource instance - T14 resources. Quest from Zádokh Flint-eye at 140