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This page is about Man of Hytbold. For the wife of Edsig of Forlaw, see Hereswith (Forlaw)
Image of Hereswith
Title Ally
Gender Male
Race Race of Man
Region East Rohan
Area Sutcrofts
Settlement Hytbold
Map Ref [56.9S, 56.1W]

Hereswith is a member of the Men of the Sutcrofts found in the Sutcrofts District in the settlement of Hytbold, Sutcrofts of East Rohan. [56.9S, 56.1W]

Note: He appears upon reaching Ally standing with the Men of the Sutcrofts. Once available he takes part in helping your character rebuild Hytbold.

Quest Involvement

The Palisade

[85] The Palisade: Rebuild IV

The Smithy

[85] The Smithy: Enhancements I
[85] The Smithy: Inhabitants

Sutcrofts Tents

[85] Sutcrofts Tents: Rebuild
[85] Sutcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
[85] Sutcrofts Tents: Enhancements II
[85] Sutcrofts Tents: Inhabitants

Tower of the Sutcrofts

[85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Rebuild

The Lumber-mill

[85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements III
[85] The Lumber Mill: Inhabitants I

the Armoury

[85] The Armoury: Enhancements II

The Library

[85] The Library: Enhancements I

Farmouse of the Sutcrofts

[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Rebuild
[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements
[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Crops
[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Superior Farmland
[85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Superior Oven