Mead Hall of Hytbold

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Mead Hall of Hytbold
Region: East Rohan
Area: Sutcrofts
Settlement: Hytbold
Location: [57.5S, 55.4W]
Interior view of the Mead Hall
Interior view of the Mead Hall

The Mead Hall of Hytbold is one of the main buildings within the settlement of Hytbold in the Sutcrofts of East Rohan. [57.5S, 55.4W]


The following services are found outside the Mead Hall of Hytbold once rebuilt. [57.5S, 55.4W] / (Requires The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements II)

The following services are found inside the Mead Hall of Hytbold once rebuilt. [57.5S, 55.4W] / (Requires The Mead Hall: Inhabitants I)


Rebuild the Mead Hall of Hytbold by completing the following:

[85] The Mead Hall: Rebuild

Edgal (no reputation)
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements I
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements II
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements I
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements II
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants I
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants II
Oseg - Men of the Wold (Ally)
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements III
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements III
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements IV
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants III
Harsterre - Men of the Sutcrofts (Kindred)
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements IV
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements V
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VI
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants IV
Warin - Men of the Norcrofts (Ally)
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements V
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VII
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VIII
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants V
Egmund - Men of the Entwash Vale (Kindred)
[85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements VI
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements IX
[85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements X
[85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants VI

See Hytbold Quests for all quests related to Hytbold.


The following NPCs are found outside:


Exterior view