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Gundabad is a region found within the land of Rhovanion.

This stronghold, also known as Mount Gundabad or Urbhármokh to the orcs, is the chief mountain of the Grey Mountains in the northwest of Rhovanion. The Gundabad expansion was preceded by the Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799 quest pack. From the northern part of the Vales of Anduin, Mount Gundabad appeared to be the northern endpoint of the Misty Mountains and the western endpoint of the Grey Mountains, although slightly separated from both ranges.[1] In actuality, the Misty Mountains continued past Mount Gundabad in a north-westerly direction (this extension was known as the Mountains of Angmar). In all maps the mountain was shown as having three conjoined peaks. Bordering Forochel (Forodwaith) to the north, the mountain undoubtedly had a cold climate.

Gundabad Locations

Locations found within the region of Gundabad are listed below.







For more detail, see Gundabad Quests

Gundabad Quests (13 C, 20 P)


For more detail, see Gundabad Deeds
Gundabad Deeds (10 C, 44 P)


For more detail, see Gundabad Titles
Gundabad Titles (2 C, 37 P)

Gundabad Reputation

Connected Locations

Gundabad Creatures

Gundabad Creatures (6 C, 279 P)


See Quartermaster_(Gundabad_Crafting_Vendor)


Many have now forgotten, that once Mount Gundabad was a place fair and full of light. It was there in the heart of the Mountain, that Durin the Deathless, first of the Dwarves, was awoken. During the Years of the Trees in the first Age of Middle-earth, the Elves were awakened in the forests of Middle-earth and so began to awaken the trees. The Dwarves dug deep and found great treasure and ever after, Mount Gundabad became a place sacred to the line of Durin.

However, it would not always be so. In the Second Age of Middle-earth, Uruks under the power of Sauron invaded the Misty Mountains and plundered the riches of Mount Gundabad, taking it as their own. So began a bitter feud between the Orcs and Dwarves, who would never forget the taking of this most sacred of places. When Sauron fell in the Battle of the Last Alliance, the Orcs fled into the eastern wastes and the Dwarves reclaimed Gundabad and cleansed it of the rukhsaz filth.

In the Third Age of Middle-earth, when the Witch-king was sent north to Carn Dûm to assault Arnor, the orcs of the Misty Mountains gathered once more and took Mount Gundabad from the Dwarves. This time they held onto this strategic location, even after the fall of the Witch-king and made it the Orc Capital of the North.

It is said, the Uruks of the North built a great fortress with a mighty red tower, that was simply called Gundabad. It was constructed across the mountain pass that led to Mount Gundabad and then on to the frozen fortress of Carn Dûm. The tower and fortress of Gundabad, blocked the way to the mountain and so effectively sealed off Mount Gundabad from the Dwarves. In the Battle of the Five Armies a great host of Orcs and Goblins came from Mount Gundabad in an attempt to win dominion of the North. Even after that battle, where so many of the Orcs of the Misty Mountains were slain, the Dwarves of Erebor still had not the numbers to retake either Mount Gundabad or Khazad-dûm.

Only after Sauron’s complete destruction, when the Ring went into the fires of Orodruin at the close of the Third Age of Middle-earth, were the dwarves able to consider retaking their lost Kingdom and the scared birthplace of Durin.[2]


  1. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, "Map of Wilderland"
  2. The Land of -


Gundabad map Rhovanion map

Woods and Mountains
Overview map