Min Návaid

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Min Návaid
Region: Gundabad
Area: Clovengap
Location: [38.0S, 123.8W]
Min Návaid
Min Návaid

Min Návaid is a crystal mine in Clovengap in Gundabad. [38.0S, 123.8W]

Behind the Angmarim-occupied ruins of Garânashmar, a narrow track leads west, towards one of the several waterfalls that feeds Kurdushâlak. Hidden behind is the entrance to Min Návaid, whence came the sarrowstones Mother Amma first heard of in Elderslade.

Min Návaid is only accessible during quest instances, though the entrance can still be seen from the outside.



These deeds can be advanced by visiting Min Návaid:




Deed Text: In days long ago, too numerous to count, a dragon fell from the sky, its body pierced with dwarf-made weapons. Into Clovengap he crashed, and slithered like a giant worm into a tunnel he found behind one of the thunderous falls. Deep into the ground he poured his body, his life failing but his hatred burning fierce. The light went out in his eyes, the scales fell from flesh, flesh from bone. Eons passed, and the bones themselves began to crack and break. As they split, the wickedness seeped from them, poisoning the waters in his death chamber cavern. From the waters, crystals grew, their depths swirling with corruption. From even deeper, an ancient evil clawed his way up, out, called to the cavern by the corruption.
