'Abad-nuhbu, the Berg-beam

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'Abad-nuhbu, the Berg-beam
Region: Gundabad
Area: Deepscrave
Location: [50.3S, 117.3W]
'Abad-nuhbu, the Berg-beam
'Abad-nuhbu, the Berg-beam

'Abad-nuhbu, the Berg-beam, or the Pillar of the Mountain runs through the center of the Deepscrave, with stairs running around it from the dirt of the ground floor all the way to the upper tiers. It was along 'Abad-nuhbu that most of the common people of Gundabad lived. The Gabil'akkâ's camp of Aslíf is situated near the middle of the Berg-beam.

Quest Involvement


These deeds can be advanced by visiting 'Abad-nuhbu:


These creatures are encountered along 'Abad-nuhbu: