Welcome to Lotro-Wiki!
Hello, Feuerhaar, and welcome to Lotro-Wiki, the Lord of the Rings Online wiki! Thank you for your contributions, and we heartily encourage you to keep it up!
Some useful pointers:
- Please read our Code of Conduct.
- Please check out the site Guidelines.
- Come chat with us on Discord: Lotro-Wiki discord server.
- Beginner's Guide to Editing is a good place to start if you are new to wiki editing.
- Check out the Community Portal for some useful editors' links.
- The Things to do page has lots of things to keep you busy!
- If you have any specific questions or comments about an article, just click the Discussion tab at the top to take you to the "Talk page", and add your ideas there.
- When commenting on Talk pages, please put
~~~~ (four tildes) at the end. This will automatically be replaced by your name and the date.
- If you have any general questions or comments, ask in the Contributors' Corner.
- Please set your timezone in your user preferences. Some articles will use that to display times in your local timezone.
We also encourage you to take a moment and edit your user page (click the User Page tab above):
- Just a couple of lines to tell us about yourself and your interests. It's a good way to practice editing!
- Any information about your characters should be created on separate pages. To create your character pages, click here: Create new character
We hope you enjoy editing here!
Due to your many great contributions, I've promoted you to Editor. Thank you for your contributions to Lotro-wiki! Tharondir (talk) 09:24, 21 March 2021 (UTC)
You've been promoted to Editor!
Tips for New Editors
- What is this language we use here?
- The code we use is called wiki markup. It is not HTML but under the hood the wiki-engine creates HTML from the markup; see Wiki Markup for more information.
- Lotro-Wiki uses MediaWiki which recognizes wiki-markup, many HTML tags, and CSS.
- Staying Current
- In the left-hand column, the link "Recent discussions" will list any recent change to a talk page. Using that link is an easy way to "stay current". An even better way is to chat with other editors and admins.
- Red links in Preview Mode
- If a link turns out red it indicates an error, usually a typo or "page not found". Something that should be fixed before saving them page. However, when editing in newly added areas we accept red links for pages expected to new added soon; all red links can be found using a link under "Special Pages" in the left-hand column.
- Removing "Stub" Tags
- Some pages have an Article Management Tag, meaning the page needs additional work. When adding the missing information, please remove the tag, which removes the page from e.g. Category:Stubs/Mob or whatever category the page was tagged for.
- Creature vs. Mob
- "Mob" is an enemy inside an instance, while "creature" is any other enemy.
- Kill vs. Defeat
- At Lotro-Wiki we never say "kill" but always say "defeat".
- How to Delete a Page?
- Only Administrators have the ability to delete pages. Instead you can tag a page for deletion by adding
{{Delete Page|<reason>}} at the top of the page. However, we prefer to keep old pages around for reference so we use the {{Obsolete}} tag.
- Similarly, certain information on a page could be useful for future reference. Either hide that info under a collapsed table titled e.g. "obsolete info", or move that info to a section at the bottom of the page, similarly titled, or to a new page with a name indicating the info is old.
- Chat with other editors for advice.
- How to Move (Rename) a Page?
- Only Administrators can move a page, use the {{Move}} tag, and give a reason why.
Tools for Editors
- Advanced Editing Links
- Help -- links to editing information on this Wiki; a direct link to the Help page can be found in the side-menu.
- Projects are also itemized in Help Editor: Information.
- Promotion to admin! Thanks for all your edits here. --Lotroadmin (talk) 04:24, 26 June 2021 (UTC)