Stable-master (Twenty-first Hall External)

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Image of Stable-master
Role Stable-master
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Moria
Area Zelem-melek
Settlement Twenty-first Hall
Map Ref [5.7S, 105.3W]


This is one of the Stable-masters for the Twenty-first Hall in Zelem-melek in Moria. His responsibility is for the stable routes outside of Moria.


He sells travelling (by goat) to the following destinations:

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Croftlands - Rohan
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 78 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 50 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 78 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 118 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Great River
Stangard (Swift) Great River 36 Silver  Min. Level: 70
King's Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth (King's Gondor) 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Inner Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 20 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed quest: The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 100 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 92 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) The Dale-lands 110 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Járnfast (Swift) The Ironfold 125 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 125 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 92 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Westfold - Rohan
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 78 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Wold - Rohan
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 78 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Historical Note

Prior to the release of Update 42.2, there was a single stable-master in Twenty-first Hall, Taf. Taf was responsible for all travel routes both within and outisde Moria. When Moria was updated for the region's release on the Legendary Servers Angmar and Mordor, new stable destinations were added and Taf was replaced by two dwarves, one for destinations in Moria and one for destinations in the rest of Middle-earth.