Quest:Rescuing Eluna: One Last Diversion

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Rescuing Eluna: One Last Diversion
Level 10
Type Solo
Starts with Marget
Starts at Eastern Old South Road
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [56.0S, 24.5W]
Ends with Eluna
Ends at Lhan Garan
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [55.2S, 27.2W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Good news. While you were out being a menace, Murig found his way over to me. Eluna is ok, but she's injured. We have to get her help soon, but the Draig-lûth are blocking the only path she can manage.

'Deryn went ahead to draw the bulk of them away, but we need you to split their forces even further.'

Marget pulls a horn from one of her bags and pushes it into your hands.

'Find a spot away from the road and blow this horn. It's of Draig-lûth make. It should create enough of an opportunity for us to limp back to Lhan Garan.'


Eluna has been located, but the path to Lhan Garan is likely being watched.

Objective 1

  • Lure and defeat a Draig-lûth warrior

Marget would have you lure Dragon-clan warriors south to the base of the hills.

Marget has asked you to use her horn to draw Dragon-clan warriors away from the river.

A Draig-lûth warrior is drawn to your location
Draig-lûth Marauder says, "Curse you!"
Draig-lûth Marauder says, "I must warn the others. They're over here!"
Defeated the first of the Draig-lûth. Onto the next!

Objective 2

  • Lure and defeat the second Draig-lûth warrior

Use the Dunlending horn to draw enemies away from Eluna and her scout-warriors.

Defeat Dragon Clan warriors.

A Draig-lûth warrior is drawn to your location
Draig-lûth Marauder says, "Curse you!"
Draig-lûth Marauder says, "I must warn the others. They're over here!"
The Draig-lûth warriors have been drawn away from Eluna's path. Return to Lhan Garan

Objective 3

Eluna and her students should have returned to Lhan Garan by now.

Talk to Eluna.

Eluna: 'Hello there! What an eventful day we've all had. Do you regret agreeing to help me out?
'I owe you a lot, both for looking after my students and helping save me. Why don't we say I owe you a dinner? Once I heal up from my injuries and learn to cook, I'll make something fancy. Unless you like boiled things. I'm really good at boiling things.'